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单词 act
act/ ækt/ nv [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n(1)动作,行动,举动(something done;deed(of the stated type))[C]:commit a foolish/cruel~做出愚蠢/残忍的事;commit an unlawful~做出非法的事;a kind/generous~善良/慷慨的举动;an~of kindness/bravery/mercy/cruelty/madness/friendship/a mad man/a monster善良/勇敢/仁慈/残忍/疯狂/友好/疯子/怪物的行为;Running away is an~of cowardice.逃跑是胆小的行为。an~of God 天灾;〖同〗action,deed;

(2)动作过程(process of doing sth)[U]:He was caught in the very~of stealing/rifling the safe.他行窃/抢保险柜时当场被抓住了。The thief was caught in the~by a woman.小偷当场被一妇女抓住。We were in the very~of leaving when father came back.我们正要走,父亲回来了。see sb in the~of snatching a gun 看见某人正伸手抓枪;〖同〗action;

(3)(一)幕(one of the main parts into which a play is divided)[C]:Hamlet kills the king in A~ 5 Scene 2.哈姆雷特在第二场第五幕杀死国王。The play has 3~s.这戏分三幕。a play/an opera in 3~s三幕剧/歌剧;

(4)节目,表演(one of a series of short performances in a theatre or circus)[C]:a circus/song/dance/magician's/comedy~马戏/歌唱/舞蹈/魔术/喜剧节目;What is the next~? 下一个节目是什么?

(5)法令,条例(formal decisionlaw or the like)[C]:an A~of Congress/Parliament国会/议会案;the 1944 Education A~1944年教育法;pass an~通过一法令;〖同〗law;

(6)(装出的)样子(insincere pretence)[C](infml):We thought he was hurt,but he was only putting on an~.我们以为他伤着了,可他只不过是在装样子。He appeared calm but it was just an~.他显得镇静的样子,但这仅仅是假象。Don't take him seriously—it's just an~.不要当真,他这只不过做做样子。Her tearful farewell/sickness was all an~.她的洒泪告别/病全是装的。〖同〗pretence;

v (1)做事,行动(do sth;take action)[I]:Think before you~.做事之前先想一想(三思而后行)。Make up your mind to~at once.下决心马上行动。A~quickly,or it will be too late.赶快行动,否则就太晚了。~favourably on sb's suggestion/sb's advice/sb's instruction 同意照某人的建议/建议/指令去做;It's time the government~ed to lower taxes.政府该采取行动减少税收了。〖同〗perform,do;

(2)举止,表现(behave or conduct oneself in a particular fashion)[I]:~well/bravely/wisely/foolishly at the party 在聚会上表现好/勇敢/聪明/愚蠢;~like a grown-up/a lunatic 举止像大人/精神病患者;They~ed as if they didn't know each other.他们做得就好像互不相识似的。〖同〗behave;

(3)起作用,生效(produce an effect;work)[I]:Certain acids~on metal.有的酸能对金属起作用。the force of gravity~ing on the earth 作用于地球的引力;Does the drug take long to~(on the pain)? 这药得很长时间才(对这疼痛)产生药效吗? The medicine failed to~.这药没有生效。The brakes won't~. 刹车不灵。Our hearts~like pumps.心脏的作用如同水泵。The stirring music~ed on the emotion of the audience.那令人兴奋的音乐使观众心情激动。〖同〗work,function;

(4)演出,表演(play a part in a play or film)[IT+nL+n]:Has she ever~ed in a play? 她演过戏吗?~(the part of) Othello/the hero 扮演奥赛罗/那位英雄(的角色);~a part 演一个角色;〖同〗perform,play;

(5)假装,扮演(pretend;behave as if one were performing in a play)[IL+n/adj]:I thought the enemy was dying,but he was only~ing.我以为那敌兵要死了,其实他只不过是装死。He tried to look brave,but he was only~ing.他极力显得勇敢,可只不过是装样子。She's not really angry—she's just~ing.她没有真生气,只不过是装样子。~an experienced man/the stern father/the hurt husband 假装成有经验者/严父/受伤害的丈夫;try to~interested/old 尽力装作感兴趣/年老的样子;〖同〗pretend;

(6)(戏剧)上演(perform or be able to be performed as stated)[IT+n]:The play~s well.这出戏叫座。His plays don't~well.他的戏剧不叫座。This play has been~ed in all the cities.这出戏在所有的城市都上演过。〖同〗perform;

act as (v prep)充当(角色)(vi):~as interpreter/manager/a guide(to a blind man)充当译员/经理/(盲人的)向导;

act for (v prep)代理(vt):During her illness he~ed for her.她生病期间,他代理她的职务。

act up (v adv)出毛病(vi):My car/car's engine always~s up on a long journey.我的车/汽车引擎走长路总是出毛病。

→′acting n 表演,演出;adj 代理的;′actor n(男)演员;′actress n 女演员;͵counter′act vt 抵抗(消),缓解;inter′act vi 相互作用(影响);互相合作;re′act v;′active adj;′action n;

【辨异】actactiondeed皆可指“行为”。act与action含义相近,有时一样,皆可为可数名词。action 尤指行为本身,可持续一定时间,包含一个以上act,因此在表示概括性的行为,强调过程时,用action;act则表示一次的短时间具体行为,指行为的结果;deed则较为正式,指较大的行为,强调行为的终结性品质(好或坏),如:the deeds of famous people(名人们的举动);还有exploit指勇敢、冒险的行为,如:be amazed at sb's military exploits(对某人的战绩感到惊愕)。





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