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单词 call
call/kɔ:l/ v & n

v (1)大声说,喊(speak in a loud voice to attract sb's attention;shout;cry)[II+prep(to)(for),I+adv(out),T+nT+n+adv(out)]:I~ed and~ed but no one came.我喊呀,喊呀,但没有人来。hear sb~ing 听见某人在喊;~(out)(to people)(for help)(向人们)大声呼喊(救命);~out in pain痛得直叫;~the number叫号(码);“Be careful!”he~ed. “小心!”他喊道。~(out) the children's names 大声点孩子们的名字;~sb over here把某人叫过来;~the roll点名;~(sb)names骂人;〖同〗 cry,shout;〖反〗whisper,murmur;
 (2)鸣,叫((of a bird or an animal) make the usual cry)[II+prep(to),T+n]:The birds are calling (each other).鸟儿在(互相)鸣叫。
 (3)叫,呼(召)唤((try to) cause to come (to a specified place) by shouttelephoneletteretc;summon)[T+nT+n+advT+n+prepD+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:~a doctor/an ambulance/a dog/the police/the fire brigade请大夫/叫救护车/唤狗/叫警察/叫消防队;~the children in/the doctor away/a boy over/an ambassador back叫孩子们进来/叫走大夫/叫男孩过来/召大使回国;~the leaders to a meeting/the congress into session/a candidate for an interview/the family to dinner 召集领导者开会/召集国会开会/叫报考者面试/叫家人吃饭;~sb a taxi/a taxi for sb 给某人叫辆出租车;The drums are~ing me. 鼓声在召唤着我。The sea is~ing me. 大海在呼唤我。
 (4)召开,宣布(cause sth to take place;announce)[T+n]:~a meeting/a conference/the committee/Parliament召集会议/召集会议/召开委员会会议/召集议会开会;~an election/a strike宣布进行选举/宣布罢工;〖同〗proclaim,declare,announce;〖反〗cancel;
 (5)叫醒(wake(sb))[T+n]:Call me at/before seven,please.请7点/7点以前叫醒我。
 (6)打电话(telephone or radio to (sb/sth))[IT+n]:~(sb) again later回头再(给某人)打电话;~sb long distance/sb from London给某人挂长途电话/从伦敦给某人打电话;~London/sb's office/sb,but can't get through给伦敦/某人办公室/某人打电话,但打不通;~sb back 给某人回电话;〖同〗telephone,phone;
 (7)短暂拜访(make a brief visit to sb)[II+adv(in/round),I+prep(on/at),I+prep(for),I+adv(in/round)+prep(on/at),I+prep(on/at)(for)]:The milkmen~s once a day.送奶员一天来一次。Please~on Sunday/again.请周日来/再来。~(in/round)to see sb/to take sb to the theatre/to pick up the order登门去看望某人/去带某人看戏/去取订货单;The train/ship~s at Liverpool.火车/船中途在利物浦停。~for sb at ten 10点去叫某人(一起走);~(in/round) on Jack/at Jack's (house)拜访杰克/杰克的家;~at the supermarket/at the bank去超级市场/银行;~at a shop for some eggs去商店买鸡蛋;〖同〗drop in,visit;
 (8)称,叫,取(名)(give a name to)[C+n+n]:~the baby Catherine把婴儿叫做凯瑟琳;~Patricia Pat把帕特里夏叫做帕特;~a book The Golden Flower给书取名为《金色的花朵》;What's your cat/this flower~ed? 你的猫/这花叫什么?~sb by his first name直呼其名;~Bill for short简称某人为比尔;I'm~ed Sandy by my friends.朋友们叫我桑迪。Don't be formal; just~me Joe.不要拘礼节,就叫我乔吧!Call me what you like.随便称呼我吧!〖同〗name,title,term;
 (9)说……是……(describe(sb/sth)as being)[C+n+adjC+n+nC+n+adv]:~sb fat把某人叫作胖子;~black white把黑的说成是白的;~sb a liar/an ass说某人是说谎者/傻瓜;~the ball out/in 说那球出界/在界内;〖同〗describe;
 (10)认为……是……(consider(sb/sth)to be;regard as)[C+n+adjC+n+n]:~that dishonest/businesslike认为那是不诚实的/有条不紊; ~sb's behaviour mean/selfish/abominable 认为某人的行为是卑鄙/自私/可恶的;a home one could~his own一处可称之为自己家的地方;~sb one's friend/a writer把某人称作朋友/作家;~Russian a hard language/the play a masterpiece认为俄语是一门难学的语言/那剧本是杰作;~that cheating/a mistake/a shame认为那是欺骗/一个错误/可耻的;You owe me £5.04 — let's~it £5.你欠我五英镑四便士——就算是五英镑吧。〖同〗consider,regard;
 (11)叫牌;以……为王牌 ((in card games) bid;declare (a trump suitetc))[IT+n]:Has he~ed yet? 他叫牌了吗? It's your turn to~,partner.伙计,该你叫牌了。What did you~? 你们以什么为王牌?I~ed hearts.我叫的红桃。
 call for (v prep) 1)要求(vt):~for the waiter/the bill/the Minister's resignation/the severest punishment of the murderer召唤侍者/要账单/要求部长辞职/要求严惩凶手;2)需要(vt):(situation)~for prompt action(局势)需要(采取)迅速行动;(task)~for courage(任务)需要勇气;(negotiation)~for tact(谈判)需要技巧;(work)~for patience (工作)需要耐心;
 call forth (v adv)引起;唤起(vt):(proposal)~forth hostile criticism(建议)引起敌意的批评;(speech)~forth an angry response(讲话)引起愤怒的反响;(task)~forth all his energies(任务)唤起他全部的精力;(trouble)~forth a person's best qualities(困难)激发出一个人最优秀的品质;
 call in (v adv) 1)邀请(vt):~in a doctor/a lawyer/one's friends/the police请来医生/律师/朋友/警察; 2)收回(vt):(government)~in silver dollars(政府)收回银元;(makers)~in cars with serious faults(制造厂商)召回有严重故障的车子;(library)~in overdue books(图书馆)收回过期的图书;(army)~in unwanted ammunition(军队)收回多余的军火;
 call off (v adv)取消(vt):~off a match/an appointment/a dance/a meeting/a strike/an attack/a journey/a picnic/one's engagement取消比赛/约会/舞会/会议/罢工/进攻/旅行/野餐/婚约;
 call on/upon (v prep) 1)访问,拜访(vt):I hope to~on you at your office at 2 o'clock.我希望两点到你办公室拜访你。2)号召,呼吁,请求(vt):~the people to work hard/the rebels to surrender/the friends to help/the Chairman to address the meeting号召人们努力工作/呼吁叛军投降/请求朋友帮助/请主席在会上发言;
 call up (v adv) 1)召集,动员(参军)(vt):In most countries men are~ed up at the age of eighteen.大多数国家征集18岁的男性入伍。2)打电话(vt & vi):~up a person/the office 给某人/办公室打电话;He~ed up this morning.他今天早晨打过电话。3)使人想起(vt):(picture)~up many happy memories of one's childhood/a trip/the old times(照片)唤起许多对童年/旅行/往事的幸福回忆;~up scenes of one's childhood使想起童年时的情景;
 call a halt (to sth) 停止:~a halt to the manufacture of nuclear weapons/to a meeting 停止生产核武器/开会;
 call sth in(to) question 怀疑……:~in(to)question sb's honesty/the truth of sth 怀疑某人的诚实/……的真实性;
 call sb to account 要求做出解释:~sb to account over some missing cash/for failing to meet the deadline要求某人解释某笔不知去向的现金/没有按期完成的原因;
 →′caller n 访问者;打电话者;′calling-card n 名片;′call-up n(美)征兵通知;
 n (1)叫(喊)声(shout;cry)[C]:hear a~for help听见呼救声;come /go at sb's~听到某人叫喊而来/去;〖同〗cry,shout;〖反〗whisper,murmur;
 (2)动物的叫声(cry of an animal or bird)[C]:hear the~of a bird/ a dog in the distance听见远处的鸟/狗叫声;imitate the~s of birds模仿鸟叫;
 (3)呼(召)唤(ordersignal or invitation to comemeet or do sth;summon)[C][N(to), N+to-inf]:wait for a~to the palace等待召见进宫;The doctor received /had a~to visit a patient有人请医生出诊。This is the last~for the 5:20 express train to London.这是5点20分开往伦敦的快车的最后一次上车通知广播。respond to the~for liberty/equality响应自由/平等的召唤;answer the~of one's country/one's duty/the wild响应国家的召唤/征兵号召/大自然的召唤;feel the~of the sea/the wild感到大海/旷野的呼唤;feel the~of the priesthood/to become a priest感到圣职/当神父的召唤;
 (4)(一次)电话(act of calling on the telephone)[C](=phone call):give sb/make/receive/have/return/take/wait for a~给某人打/打/接到/收到/回/接/等电话;There is a~for you from Leads. 有里兹给你打来的电话。keep one's~s brief and to the point 打电话要简明扼要;〖同〗phone,call;
 (5)短暂拜访(short visit (to sb's house),esp one for an official or business reason)[C]:pay (make) a~on sb/to sb's home拜访某人/到某人家拜访;return sb's~回访某人;The doctor makes house~s/received a~.这大夫登门送诊/接待了一名病人。The milkman makes his~at my house once a day. 送奶员每天给我家送一次奶。〖同〗visit;
 (6)必(需)要(need or reason for sth)[U][N(for)](尤在否定句、疑问句中):have no~for more money/to do that/to say such things不需要更多的钱/那样做/说那样的话;There isn't much~for such things/for shepherds nowadays/for you to worry.这种事情没有多大必要/当今不大需要牧羊人/你没有什么必要担忧。There's no~for that remark/such rudeness.不要那样议论/如此无理。〖同〗need,reason;
 (7)要求(request or demand for sth)[C][N(for)]:(president) make a~for national unity(总统)要求举国一致;There were~s for the minister's resignation.纷纷要求部长辞职。
 (8)需求(demand on sth/sb)[C][N(on)]:He had many~s on his time.他有许多事需要花费时间去做。Many~s are made on his time.许多事情需他花时间去做。(automobile industry) have first~on steel production(汽车工业)首先需要发展钢的生产;
 (9)叫牌((in card games)what a player says he/she is going to do)[C]:It's your~now.该你叫牌了。
 【辨异】1)call oncall in ondrop in onvisit 都可表示“拜访”。call on指因公干而拜访,如:call on sb to assess a tax(拜访某人以评定税额);call in on是顺路作短时间拜访,如:Let's call in on Tom on the way to Mike's.(咱们去麦克家的路上顺便看看汤姆吧。)drop in on(AmE中说visit with)指偶尔拜访朋友或亲戚,如:Let's drop in on Nick when we're in London.(我们在伦敦时去看看尼克吧。)visit为常用语,与go to see一样,指到家或工作处拜访。2)callsummon 都可表示“召唤”(某人到某处)。call 为常用语,如:call a doctor(叫大夫);summon指通过一定的礼仪或使用权威召唤某人到某处,如:summon a witness(传唤证人)。





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