词义分析 "Abate"是一个动词,它通常有两个主要含义。一是指"数量、程度或强度减少/降低",二是"结束/取消"。 例句 - We are expecting the storm to abate by tonight. (我们希望暴风雨能在今晚减弱。)
- The police tried to abate the noise in the city. (警察试图减少城市中的噪音。)
- The government has decided to abate the tax on small businesses. (政府决定减少对小企业的税收。)
词根分析 "Abate"这个单词来自于拉丁语"ad"和"battuere",其中"ad"表示"引发","battuere"表示"击打"。 由此词根延生出的其他单词有 rebut (反驳)、battle(战斗)等。 词缀分析 此词中没有明显的前缀或后缀,它是一个完整的词根。 发展历史和文化背景 "Abate"的历史可以追溯到12世纪的法语,来自拉丁语的"ad battere",意味着"向着击打"。在中世纪法律术语中,它也有"赋予(权利)"或"宣布(权利)无效"的含义。 单词变形 "Abate"作动词使用时,它的过去式和过去分词都是"abated",现在分词是"abating"。如:止疼药开始生效,他的痛苦开始缓和(The painkiller began to take effect and his pain started abating). 记忆辅助 你可以将其与"a"+"bate"相联想,"a"可以理解成"one",即一只蝙蝠(bat),"bate"是蝙蝠(bat)的谐音,你可以想象蝙蝠在天空中飞来飞去,然后它的速度开始减慢,最后停止,即它的飞行速度正在“abate”(减弱)。 小故事 During the concert, the loud music was non-stop. However, as the night went on, the music started to abate and everyone was able to have a conversation. Finally, when the midnight approached, the music stopped. 在音乐会期间,响亮的音乐一直没有停止。然而,随着夜晚的深入,音乐开始减弱,每个人都能进行对话。最后,当午夜临近时,音乐停止了。 |