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单词 yoke
释义 yoke /jsuk; jok/ n 1 shaped piece of wood placed across the necks of oxen pulling a cart, plough, etc. 牛轭; 轭。 → harness. 2 (pl unchanged) two oxen working together: (复数不变)共同工作的一对牛; 共轭牛: five ~ of oxen. 五对共轭牛。 3 (Romanhistory) arch of three spears (a symbol of the ~ placed on oxen) under which defeated enemies were made to pass; (罗马史)轭门(三只矛做成的拱门,做为轭的象征,战败的敌人被迫从下面穿过); hence, 由此产生,(fig) (喻): pass/come under the ~, acknowledge and accept defeat; 承认失败; 屈从; throw off the~ (of servitude, etc), rebel; ref use to obey; 反抗; 拒绝服从; 摆脱奴役等; the ~ of a tyrant. 暴君的奴役。 4 shaped piece of wood to fit a person's shoulders and support a pail at each end. 轭状木扁担。 5 (dressmaking) part of a garment fitting round the shoulders and from which the rest hangs; top part of a skirt, fitting the hips. (女服缝制)上衣的抵肩; 裙子的腰。 vt [VP6A, 15A] 1 put a ~ on (oxen): 加轭于(牛); 用轭把(牛)连接于: ~ oxen together; 用轭连起牛; ~ oxen to a plough. 用轭把牛连接于犁。 2 unite: 使结合; 使联合: ~d to an unwilling partner; 与一位不情愿的伙伴合作; ~d in marriage. 结婚; 联姻。




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