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单词 worry
释义 worry /'wah; 'wji/ vt, vi (pt, pp -ried) 1 [VP6A, 14, 15A, 17, 22] trouble; give (sb, oneself) no peace of mind; cause anxiety or discomfort to: 困扰; 使 (某人,自己) 不安; 使烦恼; 使不适: ~ sb with foolish questions; 用愚蠢的问题困扰某人; ~ oneself sick/be worried sick about sth, be extremely anxious about it. 为某事愁出病来; 为某事极端烦恼。 The noise of the traffic worried her. 交通的嘈杂声使她不安。 What's ~ing you? 你在为何事烦恼? Her child has a bad cough and it rather worries her. 她的孩子咳嗽得很厉害,这使她很烦恼。 I have a bad tooth that is ~ing me. 我有一颗蛀牙,使我感到不适。 Don't ~ yourself about the children; they're old enough to take good care of themselves. 别为孩子们担心; 他们已经大得会照顾自己了。 He'll ~ himself to death, kill himself by ~ing. 也会愁死的。' She was always ~ing her husband for more money/ ~ing him to give her more money. 她总是缠着她丈夫,不断向他要钱。 2 [VP2A, B, C, 3A] ~ (about/over sth), be anxious, uneasy, troubled: 焦虑; 不安; 烦恼: Don't ~ about trifles. 不要为小事宿负值。 You have no cause ta ~. 你没有理由烦恼。 What's the use of ~ing? 焦虑有什么用? Don't ~ trying to find it—it'll turn up one day. 别急着找它 —— 它总有一天会出现的。 ~ along, (colloq) manage to get along in spite of troubles. (俗) 不顾困难设法进行; 熬过; 撑持过。 3 [VP6A] (esp of dogs) seize with the teeth and shake: (尤指狗) 衔在口里摇; 咬啮; 撕咬: The dog was ~ing the rat. 那只狗在撕咬那只老鼠。 4 [VP15B] ~s problem, etc out, attack it again and again until one solves it. 绞尽脑汁解决问题等。 n (川 -ries) 1 [U] condition of being troubled: 困 ,; 烦恼; 忧愁: sAow signs of ~. 显出忧愁的样子。 2 [C] (usu pl) sth that worries; cause of anxiety: (通常用复数) 令人烦恼的事物; 忧愁的原因: Is your life full of worries? 你的生活充满了令人苦恼的事情吗? Money worries and little domestic worries have made him look old. 由于为钱以及家庭中的琐事发愁,他显得老了。 What a little ~ that child is! 那孩子是亨么烦人的小像伙啊! worried adj troubled; anxious: 烦恼的; 焦虑的; 担心的: He has a worried look. 他显出焦虑的神色。 ~ ing adj full of causing ~ :多烦恼的; 令人忧虑的: have a ~ing time. 度过一段烦恼的时间。 ~ingly adv




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