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单词 work
释义 work2 /wxk; wjk/ vi, vt (pt, pp ~ed or wrought /rat; rot/) (For uses with adverbial particles and preps, 6 10 below. For uses with wrought, → wrought). (与副词接语及介词连用的用法,参看下列第 10 义; wrought 的用法,参看 wrought 条) 。 1 [VP2A, B, C, 3A, 4A] do work; engage in physical or mental activity: 工作; 劳动而心; 做事: He's been ~ hard all day. 他已经辛苦地工作了一整天。 The men in this factory ~ 40 hours a week. 这面工厂里的工人每周工作四十小时。 Most people have to ~ in order to live, ie to earn a living. 大多数人必须工作以维持生活。 He ins't ~ing now, eg because unemployed or retired. 他现在不做事 (如失业,退休等) 。 Have British statesmen always ~ed for peace? 英国的政治家们一直为和平努力吗? He's ~ing at (→ studying) Physics and Chemistry. 他正在研习物理学及化学。 Green is ~ing on (= writing) a new novel. 格林目前正在写一部新小说。 This man ~ in leather, is a craftsman in leather. 此人是皮匠。 He has always ~ed against (= opposed) reform. 他一直阻挠反革。~ to rule, rule (1). '~-in n occasion when workers continue to ~ in a factory to protest against proposed dismissal, closure of the factory, etc. 工作抗议 (指工在工厂工作,以抗议解雇工人、关闭工厂等计划) 。 2 [VP2A, C] (of a machine, apparatus, bodily organ, plan, method, etc) do what it is designed to do; have the desired result; function; operate: (指机器,机械,仪器,身体器官,计划,方法等) 运转; 运作; 发挥正常功能; 获得预期结果: The lift/elevator/bell/tele-phone is not ~ing. 电梯 (升降机,门铃,电话) 坏了。 The gears ~ smoothly. 齿轮运转灵活。 This machine ~ by electricity. 这架机器是电力推动的。 My brain doesn't seem to be ~ing well today. K 的脑筋今天好像不太灵活。 Will this new plan/ scheme/method ~? 这项新计划 (方案,方法) 行得通吗? The charm ~ed. 那符咒奏效了。 It ~ed like a charm. 它非常灵光。 3 [VP6A, 15A] cause to ~; set in motion: 使工作; 使活动; 使运转: He ~s his wife/himself too hard. 他使他的妻子 (他自己) 工作过 Don't ~ yourself/your poor wife to death. 不要让你自己 (你那可怜的妻子) 过于劳累。 She was ~ing the treadle of her sewing-machine. 她正用脚踩动缝纫机的踏板。 This machine is ~ed by steam/electricity. 这架机器是蒸气 (电力) 推动的。 4 [VP6A] produce or obtain as,the result of effort: 郑力做成或 St 得; 完成,; 造成: ~ wonders/a cure/ harm/mischief. 造成奇迹 (获得痊愈; 造成伤害; 造成损害) 。 ~ one's passage, earn it by ~ing: 做工赚取旅费: He ~ Ed his passage from England to Australia, by ~ing on the ship. 他从英国到澳洲时在船上工作以赚取旅费。 ~ one s way (through college, etc), have a paid job, while studying to meet costs: 工读 (完成大学学业等): He's ~ing his way through medical school. 他以半工牛执的方式读医皋院。 ~ one's will (on sb), make him do what one wants him to do. 操纵 (某人); 使 (某人) 做自己想要他做的事情。 ~ it, (sl) bring sth about (by scheming, etc) : (俚) 完成某事; (借阴谋,诡计等) 使某事发生: I'H~ it if I can, eg by using influence, cajolery, etc. 如果我能够,我会捕出个名堂来。 5 [VP6A] operate; control; be employed in the management of: 经营; 管理; 控制: ~ 。mine. 经营一个侬场。 This salesman ~ the North Wales area, travels there as a salesman. 这个推销员在北威尔斯地区推销货物。 6 [VP2C, D, 15A, B, 22] (cause to) move into, reach, a new state or position, usu by degrees or with a succession of small movements: (使) 逐渐地 (或借连续不断的微小活动而) 进入或达到一种新的状态或位置; (使) 逐渐变动; (使) 缓慢移动: Your shirt has ~ed out, has come out from above the top of your trousers. 你的衬衫跑到禅子外面来了。 One of the screws has ~ed loose. 有一个螺丝钉已经飘了。 The rain had ~ed through the roof, had penetrated it slowly. 雨水渐渐渗过屋顶了。 Can you ~ the stone into piac “ , eg when building a stone wall? 你能把这如石头移至适当的位置畴 (如建造石精时)? The men ~ed their way forward. 那些 (勇) 入奋力向前挤。 Many months later the splinter ~ed out of her arm, came out after travelling through the flesh from the point at which it had entered. 好几个月以后,扎进她手臂的那根刺跑出来了。 The wind has ~ed round to the south, changed direction by degrees. 风已渐渐转向南。 7 [VP6A] make or shape by hammering, kneading, pressure, etc: 借锤、搓、捏、度等而做成或形成; 锤成; 捏成; 搓成; 哒成: ~ clay, knead it with water; 捏粘土; ~ dough, (when making bread). (做面包时) 揉面团。 → wrought for wrought iron. 8 [VP2A] ferment; move in an agitated way: 发酵; 激动地抽动; 颜动: The yeast began to ~ ,to ferment, eg in dough. 酵母开始发酵 (如在面团中) 。 His fqce/features began to ~ violently, twitch, etc in a way showing agitation. 他的脸孔 (面容) 开始剧烈地抽搐 (因为感情激动) 。 9 [VP6A, 14] make by stitching; embroider: 缝制; 刺绣: ~ a design on a cushion-cover/one's initials on a handkerchief. 把一个图样绣在塾套上 (把自己的姓名缩写剌绪在手帕上) 。 10 [VP2C, 3A, 14, 15B] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps) : (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): work away (at sth), continue to ~ :继续工作: He's been ~ing away at this job since breakfast. 从吃过早饭他就一直做这个工作。 work 'in; ~ into sth, (c6 above) penetrate; find a way in/into: (参看上列第 6 义) 渗透; 穿透; 进入: The dust has ~ed in everywhere, eg into a house during a sandstorm. 灰尘无孔不入遍布室内各处 (如在一次暴风沙中,房舍遭风沙侵入) 。 ~ sth in/into. introduce; find a place for: 引进; 插入; 加入: Can't you ~ in a few jokes/ ~ a few jokes into your story? 你不能插几个笑话进去 (插几个笑话到你的故事里) 吗? work sth off, get rid of; dispose of; deal with: 除去; 排除; 处置:~ off arrears of correspondence/ superfluous energy/one's excess weight. 处理积压的信件 (发泄过剩的精力; 减除过剩体重) 。 work on/upon sb/sth, (c8 above) excite, influence: (参看上列第 8 衰) 激动; 激起; 激发; 影辔: Will the high figure for unemployment ~ on the conscience of the Government? 宠大的失业数字会使政府的良心不安吗? The sufferings of the refugees ~ed upon our feelings so much that we gave them all the help we could. 瘫民们的痛苦令我们如此难过,所以我们给予他们一切可能的帮助。 → also 1 above: 亦参看上列第 1 义: ~ on a new novel, etc. 从事于一部新小说的写作等。 work out, a be capable of being solved: 可以解决,解答等; 可以算出: This sum/problem will not ~ out. 这一总数 (题目) 算不出来。 b be, turn out, in the end: 结局; 至最后; 结果为: How will things ~ out? 事情将如何变化? The situation ~ed out quite well. 情况到最后相当不错。 The total ~s out at £10. 金额总计为+知。 How much does it ~ out at, What's the total? 总共是多少钱? c → 6 above. 参看上列第 6 义。(d) exercise, train (for a contest): (为参加竞赛而) 练习; 训楝: The champion is ~ing out in the gym this morning. 卫冕者今天早晨正在体育馆训练疽 Hence, 由此产生, '~-out n period, form, of training or exercise. 训练或练习的期间或形式。 ~ sth out, a calculate: 计员; 算出: I've ~ed out your share of the expenses at £5. 我已计算出你该分挺的费用是五镑。 b get results for: 获得结果; 解答: I can't ~ out these algebra problems. 这些代数题目我解不出来。(c/de-vise; invent; develop in detail: 设计; 发明; 详细制定: a well- ~ed out scheme. 妥善周爵而方系。 They've ~ed out a method of sending a spacecraft to Mars. 他们已经设计出一种发射太空船到火星的方法。 You must ~ out your own salvation, find a way of saving yourself by your own efforts. 你必有奋力自救。(d) solve: 解决; 解出: He was ~ ,“g out some coded messages. 他在译出几项密码电讯。 e (usu passive) exhaust by using, operating, etc: (通常用被动式) 用尽; 耗尽: That silver-mine is now ~ed out, has no more ore. 那银矿已经枯竭了。 work up to sth, advance steadily to a high level: 逐渐而稳定地达到高的水准或层面: The orchestra was ~ iitg up to a crescendo. 那交响乐团即将演奏到音量潮强的一节。 ~ sth up, a make by degrees; bring to an efficient or satisfactory condition: 逐渐造成或发展; 使达到有效或满意的情况; 拓展: ~ up a business. 拓展一家商店。(b) excite; stir up: 激动; 煽动; 鼓动: ~ up the feelings of an audience. 煽动蕙众情绪。 ~ sb/oneself up (into), rouse to a high point (of excitement, etc): 使某人 (自己) 达到 (兴奋等) 的最高点; 激动; 激起; 引起: He ~ed himself/everyone up into a frenzy/rage/state of hysteria. 他 (他使每一个人) 激动得发狂 (狂怒,发疯) 。 The audience was really ~ed up by this time. 这时观众已变得非常激动。 work upon sb/sth. ~ on sb/sth above. 参看上列 work on sb/sth。




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