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单词 work
释义 work1 /wxk; wk/ n 1 [U] use of bodily or mental powers with the purpose of doing or making sth (esp contrasted with play or recreation): use of energy supplied by steam, electric current, etc: 工作; 劳动 (尤指与游戏或娱乐相对而言); (由蒸气,电流等供给的) 能的使用; 功: Are you fond of hard ~? 你喜欢艰苦的工作吗? The ~ of building the new bridge took six months. 那座新桥梁的工程费时半载。 It was the ~ of a moment (= Only a moment was needed) to turn the key in the lock and make him a prisoner. 把门上锁,将他囚禁,只需片刻工夫。 It was very hard ~ getting to the top of the mountain. 爬到那座山的山顶是一件极为辛苦南事。 This is the ~ of an enemy, An enemy has done this. 这是敌人干的事。 Machines now do much of the ~ formerly done by man. 以前由人力做的工作现在大部份用机器来做。 make hard ~ of sth, make it seem more difficult than it is. 使某事显得更加困难。 make short ~ of sth, finish it quickly. 匆匆做完某事。 set/get to ~ (on sth/ -to do sth), begin; make a start. 开始; 着手工作。 set/go about one's ~,start doing it: 开始自己的工作: You're not setting about your ~ in the right way. 你未以正确的方法开始你的工作。 st ~ (on sth), busy or occupied with (indicating uncompleted ~, ~ in progress). 在工作; 忙于 (未完成的工作,进展中的工作) 。 all in the day's ~, (used to indicate that sth is) normal; what is usual or to be expected. (用于表示某事物是) 正常的; 一般的; 合乎常理的。 2 [U] what a person does to earn a living; employment: 谋生所做之工作; 职业; 业务: Whm time do you get to (your) ~ every day? 你每天何时上班? The men were on their way to ~. 那些 (男) 人在上班的途中。 It is difficult to find ~ during a depression. 经济萧条的时候很难找工作。 at ~, at one's place of employment: 在工作的地方; 在工作: He's at ~ now, but he'll be back at six. 他工作去了,但他六点钟会回来。 in/out of ~, having/not having employment: 有 (无) 职业; 就 (失) 业: He has been out of ~ for a year. 他已经失业一年了。 He'll be glad to be in regular ~ again. 他将很高兴再从事固定的职业。 Hence, 由此产生, (attrib adj) (属性形容词) .out-of-work. 失业的。 3 [U] sth to be done, not necessarily connected with a trade or occupation, not necessarily for payment: 待做之事; 工作 (不一定与职业有关,亦不一定为报酬): I always find plenty of ~ that needs doing in my garden. 在庭园中我总有许多需要做的事情。 I have some ~ for you to do. 我有一些备情套标做。 4 [U] things needed or used for ~: 工作时所需用的东西; 工具: She took her ~ (eg her sewing materials) out on the verandah. 她把工作所一 .需用之物 (如缝级所需的布料和用具) 带到走归上去工作。 '~-bagZ-baskety-box n bag, etc for holding suett things, esp for sewing. 工具缓 (篮,匣); (尤指) 针线袋 (筐, 匣) 。 5 [U] that which is produced by ~: 辄作富; 工艺品: The ~ of famous silversmiths and sculptors may be seen in museums. 著名的银匠及雕刻家的制作品可以在博物馆中见到。 What a beautiful piece of ~! 多么美丽的一件工艺品! The villagers sell their ~ (eg needlework, wood-carvings, metal articles) to tourists. 村民把他们的手工艺品 (如刺绣、 木雕刻、金属器具) 卖给观光客。中 also compounds such as st one wood ~ at stone (1), wood (4 6 [C] product of the intellect or the imagination: 作品; 著作: the ~s of Shakespeare; 莎士比亚的着作; the ~s of Beethoven. 贝多芬的作品。 Q opus; ~s of art; 艺术品; 美术品; a new ~ (= musical composition) by John Lewis; 约翰路易斯的新作 (即新作的乐曲); a new ~ (→ book) on modern art. 论现代艺术的新著作 (即新书) 。 7 (pl) moving parts of a machine: (复) 机器的活动部分; (活动) 机件: the ~s of a clock or watch. 钟或表的 (活钿机件。 There's something wrong with the ~s. 机件出毛病了。 8 (pl, with sing or pl v) building(s) where industrial or manufacturing processes are carried on: (复数形式,可用单数或复数动词) 工厂; 工场: @ ‘gas- ~s; 煤气厂; an 'iron- ~s; 铁工厂; a 'brick—r. 碑厂。 The 'steel- ~s was/were closed for the Christmas holidays. 那家炼钢厂歇工以度圣诞假期。' ~s council/committee, joint council of representatives of employers and employees to deal with problems of management, labour relations, etc. 工厂委员会 (劳资双方皆有代表的联合会议,以处理有关管理、劳工关系等方面的问题) 。 9 public ~容,the building of roads, dams, embankments; other engineering operations (by government departments, etc): 公共工程 (政府部门等建筑的道路、水导、堤防及其他工程): the Ministry of Public Building and JF~, (until 1971) government department (now part of the Department of the Environment) responsible for these operations. (1971 年以前之) 公共工程部 (政府机构,现为'环境部' 的一部分) 。 10 (pl v) (用复数动词) (cf 参较 'earth ~s, 'out ~s) defensive structures; fortifications: 防御工事; 堡垒: 7/e ~s were thought to be impregnable. 那防御工事被认为无法攻破。 11 (compounds) (复合字) , ~-bench n table at which a mechanic does his ~. 工匠台; 细工模。 '~book n book with outlines of a subject of study, with questions to be answered (in blank spaces, in writing), for notes, etc. (辅助) 练习簿; 习题簿; 笔记簿; 记事簿; 工作手册; 业务手册。 '~day n day for ~; day which is not a Sunday or a holiday. 工作日; 非星期日或假日。 ' ~ force n total number of men working in a particular factory, etc. 某一工厂等的工作总人数; 劳动力。 '~house n 1 (GB hist) public institution for homeless people. (英国矣) 贫民习艺所; 救贫院。 2 (US) place where those who have committed small crimes are confined and made to work. (美) 监犯工厂; 感化院 (监禁轻微罪犯并使其工作的所在) 。 '~man /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) 1 man who earns a living by physical labour or at machines, etc. 工人; 劳工。 2 person who works in a specified wav: 以某福方式工作的人: a skilled/ quick, etc ~ man. 熟徐 (敏施等) 的工作者。 ' ~- manlike adj characteristic of a good ~ man. 工作熟练的; 有技巧的。 '~manship /-msn/ip : -msn- J 】 pj n [U] quality as seen in sth made: (成品中顾出的) 手艺; 技醇; 做工: articles of poor/excellent -manship; UI 拙劣 (极好) 的物品; person's skill in doing ~. 人的工作技巧。 '~room n room in which ~ is done. 工作室; 作业室。 '~-shop n room or building in which things (esp machines) are made or repaired. 工厂; 工场; 修理厂。 '~-shy adj disinclined to work; lazy. 不愿工作的; 懒惰南。' ~-study n (pl -dies) study of how ~ may be done efficiently and economically (eg by observing the sequence of movements in an operation, time needed, etc). 工作效率的研究 (例如观察作业的程序,所需的时间等) 。 '~ able n (esp) table with drawers for sewing materials, etc. (尤指) 有抽雇的裁缝台。 aday /'wxksdei; 'wjka/de/ adj commonplace; dull: 普通的; 乏味的: this ~ aday world/life. 这个乏味的世界 (生活) 。




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