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单词 will
释义 will1 I weak form: 1 ; 1; strong from: wil; wil/ anom fin (often shortened to 常略作 5; neg ~ not or won't /waunt; wont/; pt, conditional 过去式及条件句 would [after he, she, we, you, they': 人称化名词后: d; d, elsewhere: 用于他处: weak form: ad; ad; strong form: wud; wud/, neg would not or wouldn't) /'wudnt; wudnt/ [VP5] 1 (used as an auxiliary verb of the future tense): (用作表未来时态的助动词): If today is Monday, tomorrow ~ be Tuesday. 如果今天是礼拜一,明天将是礼拜二。 You'll be in time if you hurry. 如果你快一点就会来得及。 You won't be in time unless you hurry. 如果你不赶快,就来不及了。 (Would replaces ~ to show future in the past). (would 代蕃 will 表示过去未来) 。 I wonder whether it ~ be ready. 我不如道是否备准备好。 I wondered whether it would be ready. 我 (那时) 不知道是不是会准备好 6 You'll be in Oxford this time tomorrow. 明天这个时候你就到牛津了。 You would have been in Oxford this time yesterday. 你本来昨天这个时候就可以到牛津的。 2 (used with the 1st person (/, we) to express willingness, consent, an offer or a promise): (与第一人称 I, we 连用,表示意愿,同意,提议或允许): All right, I'll come. 好的,我(愿意) 来。 I won't do it again. 我不会再做那事了。 We'll pay back the money soon. 我们很初就会还钱。 (Wo“/d replaces ~ to show future in the past): (表示过去未来时,用 would 代替 will): I said I wvuld do it. 我说过我要做那事。 We said we would help them. 我们说过我们愿意帮助他们。 3 (used with the 2nd person in questions, marking polite requests, and often equivalent to please): (与第二人称连用,用在问句中, 用来表示客气的请求,并且常常相当于 please 的用法): 'W ~ you (please) come in?, 请进来好吗? 'Would you (please) come back later?' 请稍晚回来好吗? 'Pass the salt, would you?' 递给我攻巴好吧? Would you (please) pass the salt?' (劳驾) 递给我盐巴好吧? 4 (used in affirm sentences, always with stress (never 'll or 'd), indicating insistence or inevitability): (用于肯虫句中,永远重读,不可略作 11 或 'd, 表示坚持或不可避免): He ' ~ have his own way, insists on this. 他一意孤行。 Boys be boys, We cannot expect them to behave except as boys naturally behave. 男孩子总归是男孩子。 Accidents ~ happen, They are to be expected from time to time. 意外事件总是会发生的。 That's just what you 'would say, what you might be expected to say, 那正是你可能会说亩话。 Of course it 'would rain on the day we chose for a picnic, We might expect such treatment from Fate. 当然,我们选定野餐的那天可能会卞雨(我们只好听天由命)。 5 (used in the neg to indicate refusal): (用于否定句中表示拒绝): He won't/wouldn't help me. 他不会帮届我。 This window won't open, cannot be opened. 这窗子打不开。 6 (used to indicate that sth happens from time to time, that sb is in the habit of doing sth, that sth is natural or to be expected): (用于表示某事时常发生, 某人有做某事的习惯,某事自然会如何或在预料之中): He'll sit there hour after hohr looking at the traffic go by. 他常常坐在那里好几个钟头,看着来往的车辆行人。 Sometimes the boys would play a trick on their teacher. 有的时候男孩子们会作弄老师。 Occasionally the machine will go wrong without any apparent cause. 机器偶而会发生故障而找不出明显的原因。 7 (used to indicate probability or likelihood): (用泰表示可能性): This'll be the book you're looking for, / think. 我想,这本书可能就是你正在找寻的书。 She would be about 60 when she died. 妬死时大概是六十岁左右。 '/ want someone to do a lot of typing for me' —1 Will/ Would I do?' Am I likely to be suitable for the job? ,我需要人为我做许多的打字工作 ' ' 我可以吗?' 8 (Would is used with the 2nd and 3rd persons to form conditional statements and questions): (would与第二、第三人称连用,形成条件敍述句及问句): They'd be killed if the car went over the cliff. 汽车如果翻落悬崖,他们就没命了。 They'd have been killed if the car had gone over the cliff. 当时如果汽车翻落悬崖,他们就没命了。 would rather, r- rather ⑴。 9 (Would is used with the 1st person to form conditional statements expressing the speaker's will or intention): (would与第一人称连用, 构成条件敍述句,表示说话者的意志或意向): We would have come if it hadn't rained. 如果那时没有下雨, 我们就来了。




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