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单词 white
释义 white1 /wait US: hwait; hwait/ adj 1 of the colour of fresh snow or common salt: 白的; 白色的; 雪白的: His hair has turned 他的头发已变白了。 Her face went ~, pale. 她的面色变会苍白。 bleed (sb/sth) ~, (fig) drain (sb/sth) of wealth, strength, etc. (喻) 耗尽 (某人,某物) 的财富,力量等; 榨尽 (某人) 的血汗; 用尽 (某物) 的物力。 2 (special uses, compounds) (特殊用法,复合字) '~alloy, any of various alloys that are cheap imitations of silver. 假银 (类似银的便宜合金) 。 '~ant, termite. 白蚁; 里。 , ~ .bait n [U] small fish, the young of several varieties, eaten fried when small (about 2 inches long). 银鱼 (数种鱼类的幼鱼,长约二吋, 用油炸食) 。 ' ~ bear, polar bear. 北极熊。 '~-caps a pl waves at sea with ~ foam on their crests. 白亩浪 (波峯有白色泡沫的海浪) 。 |→'collar, used as a symbol of non-manual labour: 白领阶级 (指不从事体力劳动者): ~-collar jobs/workers. 劳心的工作 (工作者); 脑力工作 (脑力工作者) 。令 blue-collared at blue1 (7). ~ coffee, with milk added, 加牛奶的咖啡。 i ~ 'elephant/'ensign/'feather, these nouns. 参看这些名词。 ~ flag, symbol of surrender. 白旗 (投降的 ~heat, high temperature at which metals become ~; (fig) intense passion. 白热; 炽热 (金属变为白色的高温); (喻) 激情; 高度紧张的情緖。 Hence, 由此产生, ,~-'hot adj. the 'W~ House, the official residence of the President of the US, in Washington, DC; (hence) US Government (policy). 白宫 (美国总统府); (由此产生) 美国政府 (政策) 。 ~lead n poisonous compound of lead carbonate, used in paints. 白铅 (碳酸铅,有毒,用于涂料中) 。 ~ lie, lie considered to be harmless, esp one told for the sake of being polite: 小谎; 无恶意的谎言; (尤指) 不实的客气话: She tells enough ~ lies to ice a wedding-cake! 她撒了许多小谎只为了在结婚蛋糕上加一层糖霜! I ~- 'lipped adj having ~ lips, esp with fear. (尤指因害怕而) 嘴唇发白的。 'livered adj cowardly. 怯儒的; 胆小的。 i ~ 'magic, magic. ,~ man/woman, European person. 白毎人; 欧洲人。 ~meat, poultry, veal, pork. 白肉 (彖肉, j 、牟肉,猪肉) 。 ~ metal,~ alloy. 白色合金; 假银。~ paper, (GB) report issued by the Government to give information. (英) 白皮书 (英国政府的报吿书) 。 ~d sepulchre, (from Matt 23: 27) person who appears to be righteous but is in fact wicked; hypocrite.粉饰的坟墓 (见新约马太福音 23 章 27 节); 伪君子; 假冒为善的人。 ~ slave, ~ girl who is forced to be a prostitute, esp one who is tricked into going to a foreign country 'by promises of employment: 白奴 (指被迫为娼的白种女子, 尤指以工作为饵被骗至外国者); 白种妓女:功 ei ~ - 、必把 traffic. 白奴交易 (贩卖白种女子为娼的买卖) 。 '~thorn n hawthorn, 山楂。 ~ tie, ~ bow tie worn with men's full evening dreSs; (short for) full evening dress: (男性穿着正式晚礼服时所用的) 白色领结; 男性正式晚礼服 (的简称): Is it dinner jacket or ~ tie? 那是一般晚礼服还是正式晚礼服? ~ wash n [U] mixture of powdered lime or chalk and water, used for coating walls, ceilings, etc; (fig) means used to cover or hide sb's errors, faults, etc. 石灰水; 白粉水; 白涂料 (用于粉刷墙壁,天花板等); (喻) 掩饰过失、错误等的方法。→ w put ~ wash on (a wall, etc); (fig) try to make (sb, his reputation, etc) appear blameless by covering up his faults, etc. 粉刷 (墙壁等); (喻) 粉饰 (某人,其名声等) 。




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