单词 | whistle |
释义 | whistle /'wisl US: 'hw-; 'hwisl/ n 1 (usu steady) clear note made by forcing air or steam through a small opening, or made by the wind; tuneful sound made by some kinds of bird (eg the blackbird) : (通常为稳定的) 口哨声; 口笛声; 汽笛声; 警笛声; 风啸声; (画眉等的) 鸟鸣声: We heard the ~ of a steam-engine.> 我们听到火车头的汽笛声。 '~stop n (US) short stop (during a journey made by a politician) for electioneering purposes (eg to speak to voters in a rural district) : (美) (从政者旅行期间) 为竞选活动 (如对乡区选民演讲) 所作的短暂停留: (attrib) (形容用法) a ~-stop tour. 作短暂停留的竞选旅行巴 2 instrument for producing such sounds: 口笛; 汽笛; 警笛; 哨子: the referee's ~; 裁判的哨子; a 'steam , ~, sounded by a jet of steam. 汽笛。 3 wet one's ~, (sl) have a drink, (ffi) 润喉; 喝杯酒。 vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] make a ~⑴ (eg by blowing through the rounded lips or by using a ~ (2) : 吹口哨; 吹哈子; 发口笛声; 鸣笛; 发啸声: The engine/The driver ~d before reaching the level-crossing. 火车机车 (司机) 在抵达平交道之前先鸣汽笛。 The wind ~d through the rigging/up the chimney, etc. 风呼呼吹过统索 (烟囱等上) 。 ~ for sth, wish in vain for: 空想获得; 徒然希望得到: I owe my butcher £10, but he can ~ for it, I shan't pay him. 我欠肉商十镑,但他休想得到这笔钱。 2 [VP2A, C, 6A] produce a tune in this way: 用口哨吹奏 (曲调): ~ a tune. 吹出一个曲子。 The boy was whistling (away) merrily. 那男孩愉快地吹着口哨 (离开了) 。 - down the wind, abandon sth, 放弃某事物。 ~ in the dark, do sth to overcome one's fears. 做某事给自己壮胆。 3 [VP6A, 15B, 16A] ~ (up), make a signal (to) by whistling: n哨声、笛声、啸声等 (向…) 作信号: He ~d his dog back/ ~d to his dog to come back to him/ ~d up his dog. 他用口哨召唤他的狗回来 (召唤他的狗回到他身边) 。 4 [VP2A, C] pass swiftly with a whistling sound: 发啸声快速通过或经过: The bullets/arrows ~d past our ears. 枪弹 (箭) 台台地从. 我们耳边飞过。 、 |
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