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单词 well-
释义 well- /we!; wd/ 1 (pref) , —'being, n [U] welfare; health, happiness and prosperity: 平安; 健康; 幸福; 福利; 兴盛: have a sense of ~-being, good bodily health; 觉得健康(快乐 ); work for the ~-being of the nation. 为国家的福祉而工作。, ~- 'doer n (archaic) virtuous person. (古)君子; 善人。 .~-'doing n [U] (archaic) virtuous conduct; good deeds. (古)善行; 好事。 '~-nigh adv (archaic) almost: (is) 几 #; 殆: It's ~-nigh impossible. 那几乎是不可能的。 He was ~-nigh drowned. 他几乎被淹死。 '~-to-'do adj wealthy. 富裕的; 富有的。 '~wisher n person who wishes well to one, to a cause, etc. 祝福者。 2 (compounds with numerous participles and words in -ed, usu hyphened when attrib (before a n), but not hyphened when pred except when the compound has acquired a restricted sense): (与很多分词及加 -ed 的字构成复合字,作为形容用法(置于名词之前)时,通常加短画,作为敍述用法时,除有限定含意外, 不加短画):, — ad'vised, prudent; wise: 审慎的; 明智的: a ~-advised action. 审慎的行为。 i ~-ap'pointed, having all the necessary equipment, furniture, etc: 配备或装备齐全的; 设备完善的: a ~-appointed expedition/hotel/office/ suited 备齐全的探险队; 设备完善的旅馆(办公室, 套房)。 — 'balanced, sane, sensible. 精神正常的; 意识健全的; 通情达理的。 .—'born, of a family with high social position. 出身名门的; 家庭背景好的。 'bred, of good upbringing. 敎养良好的。 ~-conducted, characterized by good organization and control: 品行端正的; 组织良好的; 安排妥当的: a ~-conducted, meeting. 一次妥为安排的会议。, ~- con'nected, connected by blood or marriage with families of good social position or to rich or influential people. 与望族或权贵有血亲或姻亲关系的。 ~-dis,posed (towards), having kind feelings (towards); ready to help. (对…)怀有好意的; 乐于助人的。, ~-'favoured, (old use) good-looking. (旧用法) 样子好看的; 貌美的。,~ -' found,= ~-appointed. ,→'founded, based on facts, having a foundation in fact: 有事实为依据的; 有根据的: ~-founded suspicions. 有根据的怀疑 o groomed, carefully tended; neat; meticulously dressed. 细心照料的; 意洁的; 穿着考究的… ~- grounded, a =~-founded, b having a good training in or knowledge of the groundwork of a subject, 具有某学科之良好基础的; 根底好的。 .—'heeled, (sl) rich. (俚)有钱的。 I ~- in'formed, a having wide knowledge. 见识广博的; 博识的《(b) having access to reliable information: 消息灵通的; 能获得可靠消息的: in —informed quarters. 消息灵通方面。 ,■ ~- in'tentioned, aimed or aiming (often or usu unsuccessfully) at good results. 出自善意的; 好心的; 指望有好结果的(常常或通常事与愿违,未产生好的结果)。 ~-'knit, compact; firmly jointed, not loose-made (esp of a person or his body). (尤指人或其身体)结实的; 强健的; 硬朗的。 .~-'known, widely known. 出名的; 众所周知的。 I'lined, (of a purse, colloq) full of money. (指銭包,俗)放满钱的。 ~ -' marked, definite; distinct. 清楚的; 明显的。 I 'meaning, = ~-intentioned. ,■—-'meant, done, said, etc, with good intentions. 出于善意的。 i ~-' read, having read much; having a mind well stored with information as the result of wide reading. 读书多的; 博学多闻的; 腹笥寛的。 ,~-'rounded, complete and symmetrical. 完全而对称的。 .—'set,=~-knit. - spoken, a speaking well, politely, in refined language. 善于辞令的; 言语谦恭的; 说话漂亮的。(b) spoken well. 说得中肯的; 得体的。 I ~- 'timed, done, said, at the right or a suitable time. 在正确或适当的时间做出或说出的; 做得或说得恰合时宜的。,— 'tried, (of methods, remedies) tested and proved useful. (指方法,救治法) 经过试验而证明有用的。 ~-'turned, (of a compliment, phrase, verse) gracefully expressed. (指赞语,片语,诗句)措辞巧妙的; 说得妙的。 .—'Worn, much used; (esp) commonplace; trite. 用得太多的; (尤指) 陈腐的; 平凡的。




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