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单词 well
释义 well2 /wel; wel/ (comp better, superl best) adv 1 in a good, right or satisfactory manner (placed after the v, and after the direct object if the v is transitive): 好; 对; 满意地 (置于动词后,如果是及物动词, 置于直接宾语后): The children behaved ~. 孩子们行为良好。 They are ~-behaved children. 他们是品咳子。 The house is ~ situated. 那房子地点适中。 He speaks English ~. 他的英语说得很好。 W ~ done! 做得好! ~ run! 做得好!附 ~ played! (cries indicating satisfaction, praise, etc). 表演得好! (表示满意、赞美等的喊叫声) 。 I hope everything is going ~ (= satisfactorily) with you. 但愿你事事如意。 Do these two colours go ~ together, Do they harmonize, look satisfactory side by side? 这两种颜色调和吗? Does this colour go ~ with that colour? 这颜色配得上那颜色吗? do ~, suc ceed; make progress; prosper: 成功; 有进步; 兴旺: Simon has done ~ at school this term. 塞金本学期在学校里成绩很好。 Peter is doing ~ in Canada. 彼得在加拿大过得很好。 be doing ~, (progressive tenses only) making a good recovery (from illness, etc) : (仅用于进行式) (生病等后) 复原或恢复情况良好: Both mother and baby are doing ~. 母亲与婴儿板复情况都很好。 do oneself ~, provide oneself with good things, esp comforts and luxuries. 生活优裕。 do ~ by sb, treat him with generosity. 善待弃人。 do ~ out of, make a profit from sb or sth. 从 (某人或某事物) 获得好处或利益。 wish sb ~, hope that he has good fortune, success, etc. 祝某人好运; 祝某人成功等。 2 with praise or approval: 夸宠地; 称赞地: think/speak ~ of sb. 重视 (称赞) 某人。 It speaks ~ for your teaching that all your pupils passed the examination, This fact is evidence that your teaching was good. 你敎的学生考试都及格了, 这证明你敎学优异。 stand ~ with sb. be in his favour: 合某人之意: He stands ~ with his employers, They like him, think highly of his abilities, etc. 他的雇主们都喜欢他。 3 fortunately. 幸运地。 be | ~ 'out of sth, be out of an affair without loss, etc: 安然脱免; 未受损失等而摆脱某事: You are ~ out of it, may consider yourself fortunate to be out of the affair. 标有季而摆脱此事。 I wish / was ~ out of this business, that I could free myself from it without misfortune. 我希望我能安然摆脱这事务。 ~ a fortunate: 幸运的: He doesn't know when he is ~ off, does not realize how fortunate he is. 他不知道他是多么幸运。 b wealthy. 富裕的; 有钱的。 ~ '。” for, ~ provided with: 被充分供以; 充分备有: ~ off for food/drink/bright ideas. 看无分的食物 K 有充分的饮料; 满脑子的巧妙主意) 。 come off ~, a (of a person) have good fortune; be lucky. (指人) 有好运; 幸运。( b) (of an event) have a satisfactory outcome. (指事件)有满意的结果。 do to + inf, used to suggest either good judgement or good luck: 用来表示好的判断或好运: He did ~ to leave the country before the revolution started. 他幸好在革命开始前离开了那个国家。 You would do ~ (= It would be wise for you) to say nothing about what happened. 你最好不要提发生了什么事。 You did ~ to ask my advice. 你来征询我的意见, 算是你运气。 4 (mid position) with good reason, justice or likelihood; advisably: (L于句中助动词与动词之间)有理由地; 合理地; 可能地; 适当地: You may ~ be surprised. 你可能感到惊注。阳 e might ~ make the experiment. 我们该做那项实验。 I couldn't very ~ refuse to help them, It would have been difficult, unreasonable, etc, to have done so. 我(当时)很难拒绝帮助他们。 You may quite ~ (— with good reason) give illness as an excuse. 你尽可把生病当作借口。 We may as ~ begin at once. 我们还息马上兰始的好。 It may ~ be that.... It is likely or possible that.... 那很可能就是…。 5 'may ('just) as ~, O may (4). a with equal reason, advantage, justification, etc: 不如; 等于是; 还是…好: You might just as ~ say that white is black (as say that. ..). 你(说…)等于说白的就是黑的。 Our holidays were ruined by the weather—we might just as ~ have stayed at home! 我们的假期被天气糟塌了; 我们还不如待在家里! b without worse consequences: 没有更坏的结果: You may as ~ tell me the truth, ie because if you don't tell me, I shall certainly hear it from others. 你还是把真相吿诉我的好。 be just as ~, with no loss of advantage, no need for regret: 无何损失; 无须后悔; 不妨 It's just as ~, didn't lend him the money. 我不会后悔没有借钱给他。 6 (end position) thoroughly; completely: (置于动词之后,或及物动词的宾语之后)彻底地; 充分地: Examine the account ~ before you pay it. 在付款以前仔细核对一下帐目。 Shake the bottle 把这个瓶子彻底摇一摇。 7 to a considerable extent: 至相当的程度; 颇; 甚: He was leaning ~ back/forward in his chair. 他坐着身体靠在椅背上(他坐在椅上, 身体前倾着)。 His name is ~ up in the list, near the top. 他的名字列在相当前面(靠近顶端)。 He must be ~ past forty/ ~ over forty years of age. 他一定超过四十岁很多了。 It's ~ worth trying. 那很値得一试。' ~ away, a making good progress: 进展良好: We're ~ away, have made a good start. 我曲已经有了好的开端。 b (colloq) on the way to being slightly drunk, to becoming hilarious, etc, (俗)有点醉意了; 玩闹得快要忘形了。 be ~ up in/on. O up(8). leave/let ~ alone, leave it as it is; don't interfere. 保持原来的样子; 维持原状; 不介入; 不干预。 8 as — (as), in addition (to): 除…外洞; 和; 并; 也: He gave me money as ~ as advice. 他除了给我忠吿外,还给我钱。 He gave me advice, and money as ~. 他给我忠吿,并给我钱。 e shall travel by night as ~ as by day, both by night and by day. 我们将日夜赶路。 Give me those as ~, -those, too. 把那些也给我。 9 (with another adv) (与另一副词连用) pretty ~, almost: 几乎: You're pretty ~ the only person who's willing to help. 标几乎是唯一愿意协助的人。 pred adj 1 in good health: 健康的; 安好的: be/look/feel/get ~. 是(看起来,感觉到, 恢复)健康的。 I'm quite ~, thank you. 我很好,谢斋你。 Cf 参较 I'm fine, thank you. 2 in a satisfactory condition: 满意的; 良好的: All's ~ that ends ~. 凡事结局好,则全局都好(事业的成败以结局为凭, 不必计较所经历的聚苦)。 We're very ~ where we are. 我们目前情况甚好。 All is not ~ in the world nowadays. 当前的世界情势并不令人满意。 It s all very ~ ...,formula (used ironically) to indicate discontent, dissatisfaction, disagreement, etc: (反语用法)表示不平,不满,不同意等的套语: It's all very ~ (for you) to suggest a holiday in Italy, but how am I to find the money? (你)提议去义大利度假的确很好,但是我如何去筹这笔钱呢? 3 advisable; desirable: 得当的; 适宜的: It would be ~ to start early. 最好早点动身。 It would be just as ~ for you to-ask your employer's permission. 你最好征求雇主的同意。 4 lucky; fortunate: 幸运术; 有好运的: wos ~ for you that nobody saw you. 没有人看到你,是你畛气。 int 1 (expressing astonishment): (表示惊愕):附~, who would have thought it? 啊, 谁会想得到是这样呢?附~,~! I should never have guessed. it! 唉呀!我永远猜不出来! 2 (expressing relief): (表示出借):附~, here we are at last! 町,我们终于到了! 3 (expressing resignation): (表示无可奈何): / ~, it can't be helped. 唉, 这是没有办法的事。 W~, there's nothing we can do about it. 唉,我们无能为力了。 4 (expressing understanding or agreeme.nt): (表示了解或同意): Very then, we'll talk it over again tomorrow. 很好,那想天我们再谈谈吧。 5 (expressing concession): (表示让步):~,火 >“ may be right. 好罢, 你也许题谕。 6 (used to resume a story, etc): (用于继续一个故事等):~, as I was saying,.… 唔,当时我谈到,…。时~, the next day.... 后来,第二天…。




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