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单词 welcome
释义 welcome /'welksm; 'welkam/ adj 1 received with, giving, pleasure: 受欢迎的; 令人愉快的: a ~ visitor/rest; 受欢迎的访客 (休息); ~ news; 佳音; 可喜的消息》 make a friend ~, show him that his coming is ~. 使朋友觉得受欢迎。 A loan -would be very ~ to me just now. 现在如果谁肯借我钱,我会很高典。 2 ~ to do sth/to sth,' a freely permitted: 可随意做某事; 可随意取用某物: You are - to borrow my bicycle. 欢迎你借用我的单车。 You are ~ to the use of my car 你可以随意借用我的车。 Anyone is ~ to my share, may have it. 欢迎任何人用我这一份。 b (ironic) permitted to have sth burdensome or unwanted: (反语) 欢迎做 (某麻烦事); 欢迎取 (人家不要之物): If anyone thinks he can do this job any better, he's ~ to it/. ~ to try! I'll gladly let him do it. 如果有人认为这件事他可以做得更好一点,他不妨来做做看 (欢迎他试一试) 。 (c[ absolved of the need to express thanks: 不必表示感谢的: You are ~ to it (usu shortened to) (通常 Rtzfss) Ydu're ~, — Don't mention it. 别客气。 3 (as an interjection) (用作感叹词) W ~ home! 欢迎归来! ~ to England! 欢迎到英国来! (欢迎莅临英国!) n [C] greeting, response by word or action, when sb arrives, when an offer is received, etc: 欢迎; 接待; 款待: They gave us/We received a warm/cold/ enthusiastic, etc ~. 他们给予我们 (我们受到) 热烈 (冷淡,热诚等) 的欢迎。 The heartiest of ~s awaited us. 最热烈的欢迎在等待着我们。 vt [VP6A, 15A] show pleasure or satisfaction at sth, at the arrival of sb or sth; greet (in the manner indicated): 欢迎; (以某种态度) 接受: ~ a friend to one's home; 欢迎朋友到家中; ~ a suggestion warmly/coldly. 热烈地 (冷淡地) 接受一项建议。




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