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单词 weak
释义 weak /wi:k; wik/ adj (-er, -est) 1 (opp of strong) lacking in strength; easily broken; unable to resist hard wear or use, attack, etc: (为 strong 的相反字)弱的; 虚弱的; 脆弱的; 易破的; 不耐用的; 不能抵抗攻击等的: r 。 ~ to W 汰, 太虚弱不能走动; ~ in the legs; 两腿软弱无力; a table with ~ legs; 摇摇晃晃的桌子; a ~ defence; 脆弱的防禁工事; a ~ team; 弱队; the ~ points of an argument/plan. 论据 (计划)的弱点。 i ~-'kneed adj (fig) lacking determination; ~ in character. (喻)无决心的; 优柔寡断的。 2 (of the senses, etc) below the usual standard: (W感官等)不够标准的; 衰弱的:~ (more usu 较常用 poor) sight and hearing; 视力及听力不佳; a ~ heart. 衰弱的心脏。 Hence, 由此产生, ~-eyed; 视力不佳的; ~ ~ headed; 低能的; ~-minded; 懦弱的; 优柔寡断的; ~ ~ sighted. 视力不佳的。 3 (of mixed liquids or solutions) watery; having little of some substance in relation to the water, etc: (指混合的饮料或溶液)多水的; 淡的: ~ tea/beer; 淡茶(啤酒); a ~ solution. 稀薄的溶液。 4 not good; not efficient: 不精的; 不擅长的: ~ in spelling/arithmetic/biology. 不擅长拼字(算术,生物学)。 5 (gram) (文法) ~ verb, one inflected by additions to the stem, not by vowel change (as walk, walked, contrasted with run, ran and come, came). 弱动词; 规则动词 (词形变化借加 ed 或 t 等形成,如 walk, walked; 而非经由改变原字的母音,如 run, ran 及 come, came) „ ~ form /(of the pronunciation of some common words), form occurring in an unstressed position, usu by the use of a different vowel sound or by the absence of a vowel sound or consonant (eg /an; an/ or /n; n/ for /aend; aend and, as in bread and butter / .bred n 七 AtMr); 'br£dp,bAt /). (指某些常见字的读音)弱式读法(用于不重读的场合,通常不读原母音,或省去母音或子音 > 如 bread and butter 中的 and, 读作 /an/ 或 /n/) → ~ en /'wi: kan; 'wikon/ vt, vi [PV6A, 2A] make or become ~ (er). 使嘉; 变弱。 ~ling n ~ person or animal. 麻弱的人或动物; 亩者。 ~ly adv in a ~ manner. 弱地; 虚弱地; 脆弱地。 adj delicate in health; not robust: 身体扇弱的; 不强屈的: a ~ (y child. 虚房的小孩。 ~ness n 1 [U] state of being ~: 亩; 虚弱; 施弱: the ~ness of old age; 老年的虚弱; the ~ /less of a country's defences. 一国的脆弱国防。 2 [C] fault or defect of character: 性格南缺点; 弱基: We all have our little ~ ziesses. 我们都有一些小缺点。 3 have a —ness for, a special or foolish liking for: 特别喜欢…; 过于喜欢…: He has a for fish and chips/ fast cars. 他特别喜欢吃油炸的鱼和马铃薯条(开快车)。




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