单词 | way |
释义 | way1 /wei; we/ n 1 road, street, path, etc: 路; 街; 径; 道路; 通路: (in compounds) (用于复合字中) 'highway; 公路; Vailway; 铁路; ‘” 机邛; 小路; a way across the fields; 一条横越田野的鹤; a covered roofed) way; 一条有遮顶的路; the Appian Way, a Roman road in Italy. 艾匹亚斯路 (义大利古罗马时期兴建的一条道路) 。 'clear ~, → clear' (5). There's no way through. 无路可通。 My friend lives across/over the way, on the other side of the street (or road). 我的朋友住在过街那边。 pave the way for, prepare for, prepare people to accept (reforms, etc). 为…做准备工作; 使人民准备接受 (改革夺) 。 the Way of the Cross, a series of paintings, carvings, etc (usu in or near a church) illustrating the progress of Jesus to Calvary. 苦路 (说明耶稣至篱髅地的一系列图画、雕刻等,通常展列于教堂内或其附近) 。 2 route, road (to be) used (from one place to another): 路线; (从一地至他地的) 路途 (与 from…to…连用): Which is the best/ right/quickest/shortest, etc way there/from A to B? 哪条路是到该地 (由甲地至乙地) 最好 (正确,最快,最近等) 的路? Can you find your way home? 你认褂你回家的路吗? We lost the way/our way in the dark. 我们在黑夜中迷路了。 Which is the way in/out? 哪条是进入 (出去) 的路? The longest/far-thest way round/about is the nearest way home, (prov) Short cuts are often delusive. (谚) 最远的路才是捷径; 抄小路常靠不住。 We'd better stop and ask someone the way. 我们最好停下来向人问问路。 He made/pushed/fought/felt his way out/ back, etc. 他走 (挤,街,摸索着走) 出去 (回来等) 。 We had to pick our way along the muddy path. 我们必须在泥浑的小径上谨慎前行。 go one's wayfs), depart. 动身; 出发。 go out of one's way (to do sth), make a special effort: 特意 (花心血,时间等) (做某事); 故意 (做某事) He went out of his way to be rude to me/to help me. 他故意对我粗鲁 (特意帮助我) 。 lead the way. go in front as leader; show by example how sth may be done. 带路; 带头; 示范。 make one's 'way in life, succeed. 发迹; 成功。 make the best of one's way, go as fast as one can, 尽量快走。 make one's way (to/towards), go. (向…) 走去。 pay. one's way, (a) keep out of debt. 量入为 til ; 不举债。 b pay one's share of expenses instead of letting others pay. 付自己的费用; 自掏腰包。 the parting of the ways, (fig) the time when an important decision must be made as to future plans, etc. (喻) 豺未来的计划等须做重要决定的时刻。 by way of, via; using a route through: 由; 经过: He came by way of Dover. 他经由多佛来此。 6 also 14 below. 亦参看下列第 14 义。 out of the way, exceptional, uncommon: 奇格的; 不寻常的: He has done nothing out of the way yet. 他尚亲欲出不寻常的事。 ,out-of-the-'way, (attrib use) remote: (形容用法) 遥远的; 荒僻的: an out-of-the-way place/ corner. 偏僻的地方 (角落) 。 3 by the way, a during a journey. 在途中; 顺路。 b (fig) incidentally; in passing (often used to introduce a remark not connected with the subject of conversation). (喻) 顺便说; 却说 (常用以引入与当时话题无关的插语) 。 the/one's way, being engaged in going or coming: 在路上; 在奸中: They're still on the way. 他们尚在途中。 I'll buy some on the/my way home. 我落在回家的途中购买一些。 He's on the way to success. 他正走向成功命路上。 She's got another child on the way, (colloq) is pregnant again. (俗) 她又怀孕了。 on the way out, (fig; colloq) about to become out of date, out of fashion. (喻; 俗) 行将变得过时或陈旧; 快要不流行。 4 [C] method or plan; course of action: 方法; 方式; 行动方针: Me right/yvrong/best, etc way to do/of doing a thing. 做某事的正确 (错误,最好等) 的方法。 Is this the way to do it/the way you do it? 这就是做 (你做) 那件塞的方法嘱? Do it (in) your own way if you don't like my way. 如果你不喜欢我的方法,按黑你自己的方法做吧。 The work must be finished (in) one way or another. 这工作必须设法做好。 Where there's a will there's a way, (prov) If we want to do sth, we will find a method of doing it. (ZK) 有志者事竟成。 ways and means, methods, esp of providing money. (尤指宁款的) 方法。 have/get one's own way, get/do what one wants. 为所欲为; 随心所欲。 go/take one's own way, act independently, esp contrary to the advice of others. 独断独行; 我行我素 (尤指所为与他人所进言者相反) 。 5 (sing only) distance between two points; distance (to be) traversed: (仅用单数) 距离; 路程: It's a long way off/a long way from here. 那地方距此很远。 The roots go a long way down. 这些痕入地很深。 Your work is still a long way off perfection, is far from being perfect. 你的工作距离理想还远得很。 Your work this week is better by a long way, much better. 你这个礼拜的工作好多了。 This will go a long way (= will be very helpful) in overcoming the difficulty. 这将很有助于克服困难。 6 [C] direction: 方向: He went this/rhat/the other 他向这 (灰,另一) 边走。 Look this way, please. 请向这边看。 He couldn't look my way, towards me. 他不可能朝我这方向看。 Such opportunities never come/fall my way, come to me. 这样的好机会从不会瘩到我身上。 You've got your hat on the wrong way, eg back to front. 你的帽子戴反了。 He's in a fair way to succeed, is making progress in the right direction. 他正朝着成功的路前进 (很有成功的希望) 。 put sb in the way of (doing) sth, help him to make a start: 帮助某人开始做某事: A kind friend put him in the way of earning a living. 一位好心的朋友帮助他走上自立的道路。 7 (colloq; sing only; not stressed) neighbourhood: (俗; 仅甬单数; 不重谊) 附近; 邻近: He lives somewhere Lincoln way, near Lincoln. 他住在林詹 ■ 市附近。 The crops are loaking very well our way, in our part of the country. 我们这一带农作物长得很不错。 8 [U] advance in some direction; progress (esp of a ship or boat). (向某方向之) 行进; (尤指船之) 前进。如 under way; have way 'on. (of a ship) be moving through the water. (指船 j 在航行中。 gather/ lose way, gain/lose speed: 增加 (减低) 速度 : 友 he boat slowly gathered way. 船在逐祸增加速度。 get under way, .start to move forward. 围始前进。 give way, (of oarsmen) row hard. (指桨羊) 努力划。 Also → give1 (10). make way, (lit or fig) advance. (字面或喻) 前进; 进行。 9 [U] space for forward movement, for passing ahead; freedom to go forward: 向前进的空间; 向前进的自由: Don't stand in the way. 不要挡住路。 Tell that boy not to get in the way. 叫那男以不要挡住路。 Tell him to stand out of the/my way. 叫血讽开。 Clear the way! 让路! be/put sth out of harm's way, in a safe place. 在 (置某物在) 安全处。 get sth out of the way, settle it, dispose of it. 解决某事; 除去某事物。 give way (to sth/sb). cgive1 (10). make way (for), allow space or a free passage: (为…) 让路: All traffic has to make way for a fire-engine. 行人车辆皆应给救火车让路。 put sb out of the way. put him in prison, kill him (secretly) or otherwise get rid of him. 拘禁某人; 暗杀或干掉某人; 除去某人。 put sb in the way of sth, give him the opportunity of securing, eg a good bargain. 给某人获得…的机会。 see one's way (clear) to doing sth, see tovv to do it; (esp) feel justified in doing it: 厕道如何做某事; (尤指) 觉得该做某事; 有充分理由做某事: I don't see my way clear to helping you. 我不知道怎样帮助你。 I don't see my wqy clear to recommending you for the job. 我不知道该不该推荐你去做那工作。 right of way, → right3 (2). 10 [C] custom; manner of behaving; personal peculiarity: 习衍; 态度; 作风; 癖性: the good old ways; 良好的古老习俗; Eng-lish/Chinese, etc ways of life/living; 英国人 (中国人等) 的生活方式; the way of the world, what appears to be justified by custom. 世风; 世道常情。 It's not his way to be mean, Meanness is not in his nature, 卑卞不是他的本性。 It's disgraceful the way he drinks, His habit of (excessive) drinking is disgraceful. 他那种纵饮的习惯真不像话。 I don't like the way (= manner in which) he looks at me. 我不喜欢他那样看我。 Don't take offence—it's only his way, a manner of behaving that has no special significance. 不要生气 —— 他就是那个样子。 to 'my way of thinking, in my opinion. 我认为。 the way, (colloq; adverbial use) as; in the manner that: (俗; 作副词用) 像; 一如: He doesn't do it the way I do. 他做那事的方法和我不一样。 he/she has a way with him/her. he/she is persuasive. 他 (她) 有说服力 (讲起话来有一套) 。 mend one's ways, improve one's manners, behaviour, etc. 改善自己的举止、行为、方式等。 II [C] respect; point or detail: 方面; 细节; 点: He,s a clever man in some ways. 他在某些方高很聪明。 Can / help you in any way? 我诏破帮任何 tt 吗? He is in no way (= not at all) to blame. 他决不该受责备。 They are in no way similar. 他们根亲不相似。 The work was well done in one way, to a limited extent but not on the whole. 那工丘庄某方面做得很好 (整个看来就不然) 。 He's an amusing man in his (own) way. 他是一个很有趣的人。 What have we in the way of food, What food is there (eg in the house, for the next meal, etc)? 我们看些什么吃的呢? no way, (sl) in 'no way; not at all. (俚) 一点也不; 不行; 决不。 12 [C] condition, state, degree: 情形; 状态; 程度: Things are in a bad way. 情势很糟。 She was in a terrible way, much agitated. 她异常激动。 'any way, in either case; in any case or event. 在任何情况下; 两种情况无论那一种。 each way/both ways, (in backing horses) to win, to get a place in the first three. (赌赛马) 获胜; 获前三名之一 → in the 'family way, (colloq) pregnant. (俗) 怀孕。 in a big/small way, on a big/small scale: 大 (小) 规模地: live in a small way, simply, without ostentation; 过省吃俭用的生活; a printer in a small way; 小本经营的印刷商; advertise in a big way. 大 (规模) 做广吿。 /wve it both ways, choose first one and then the other of alternatives in order to suit one's convenience, argument, etc. 左右逢源; 脚踏双船; 见风转舵 (二者间先选其一,再选另一,以配合自己的方便、论据等) 。 13 ordinary course: 平常途径; 一般方法: do sth in the way of business. 犊一般做生意的方式做某事。 14 by way. of. a as a substitute for or as a kind of: 作为; 当 fV; 代替: soy sth by way of apology/introduction. 说一点作为道歉 (介绍) 的话。 b for the purpose of, with the intention of: 为了; 意在: make inquiries by way of learning the facts of case. 为了获知该案的真相而调查。 c in the course of: 在 ... 乏中: by way of business. 在营业中。 calso 2 above. 亦参看上列第 2 义。 15 (pl) structure of heavy timber on which a ship is built and down which it slides when launched. (复) 造船架; (新船的) 下水台。 → slipway at slip1 (6). 16 (compounds) (复合字) 'way-bill n list of goods being conveyed by a carrier, with instructions abput their destinations, etc. 运货单 (载明运达地点等者) 。 'wayfarer /-fear9(r); -,ferv/ n (liter) traveller, esp on foot.. (文) 旅人; (尤指) 徒步旅行者。 'wayfaring /-feang; -/criiz/ adj travelling: 旅行的; 徒步旅行的: a wayfaring man. (徒步)旅行者。 wayside n side of a road: 路旁; 道亩: (attrib) (形容用法) way side flowers. 路亩的花。 |
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