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单词 water
释义 water2 /'wo: ta(r); 'wotw/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] put water on; sprinkle with water: 浇以水; 洒以水: ~ the lawn/the plants/the streets. 洒水于草地 (花木,街道) 上。 ~ing-can /'watanij kaen; 'wo-tsriy zkaen/ n container with a long spout, used for ~ing plants. 喷壶; 浇水器。 ~ing-cart /'wa-tsriy ka: t; 'wotanizkart/ n one with a tank and a sprinkler for ~ing roads (to settle the dust, clean them). 洒水车。 2 [VP6A] give water to: 供以水; 给以饮水: ~ the horses. 饮马。 3 [VP2A, 3A] (of the eyes or mouth) fill with water; have much liquid: (指眼或嘴) 出水; 多水; 充满水: The smoke made my eyes ~. 烟使我的眼睛流泪。 The smell from the kitchen made my mouth ~, aroused my appetite. 厨房里来的香味使我垂涎。 Hence, 由此产生, 'mouth-~ing adj highly appetizing. 令人垂涎三尺的; 极能引起食欲的。 4 [VP15B] ~ sth down, add water to: 加水于; 冲淡: This whisky has been ~ed (down). 这威士忌已加水 (冲淡) 了。 The story has been ~ed down, (fig) weakened, eg by making details less vivid. (喻) 这故事的生动性已破减弱了。 5 [VP6A] (fin) increase (a company's debt or nominal capital) by issuing new shares without increasing the assets. (财政) 借发行新股票以增加 (公司债或名义资本); 名义增资。 6 ~ed (pp as adj) supplied with water: (过去分词作形容话用) 被供以水的: a country ~ed by numerous rivers. 荷川安错的国家。 ~ed silk, manufactured so that there are wavy markings on the surface. (面上有波纹的) 纹纲。 7 ~ing-place /'wataruj pleis; 'wotariij yples/ n a water-hole; place to which animals go to drink. 水洞; 动物饮水处。 b spa. 有矿泉或温泉之处。 c seaside resort. 海滨游憩处。




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