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单词 waste
释义 waste /weist; west/ adj 1 (of land) that is not or cannot be used; no longer of use; barren: (指土地)未或无法利用的; 废弃的; 荒蒸的: ~ land, not occupied or used for any purpose. (未作任何利用的)荒燕地; 未利用地。 '~land /-laend; -zlaend/ n a barren, desolate or unused land. 荒燕、人迹罕至或未利用的土地; 荒地。 b land ravaged by war, etc: 为战争等所破坏之地; 疮痍之地: Vietnam reduced to ~-land by bombing and shelling. 越南因轰炸及炮击而变成疮痍之地。 c (fig) life, society, looked upon as culturally and spiritually barren. (喻)文化和精神上贫乏的生活或社会。 / ay ~, destroy the crops in, ravage (eg territory occupied in war). 损毁…上面的作物; 蹂蹒(战时占领的土地等)。 2 useless; thrown away because not wanted: 无用的; 抛弃的; 废弃的: ~-paper; 废纸; ~ products, unwanted after a manufacturing process. 制造遍程剩下的无用副产品; 废物。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 2A] ~ sth (on sth), make no use of; use without a good purpose; use more of (sth) than is necessary: 条用; 浪费; 徒耗: ~ one's time and money on paying bribes; 将时间和金钱浪费于贿赂; ~ one's words/ breath, talk without making any impression (on sb), 徒费唇舌。 All his efforts were ~d, had no result, 他的全部努力都白会了。 W ~ not. want not, (prov) If you do not ~ your money, etc you are unlikely to be in need. (谚)不浪费则不虞匮乏。 2 [VP6A] make (land) waste; ravage. 使(土地) 荒芜; 损毁; 蹂顺。 3 [VP6A, 2A, C] (cause to) lose strength by degrees: (使)逐渐失去力量; 耗损; 衰弱: He's wasting away. 他渐渐消瘦了。 Consumption is a wasting disease. 肺房是一种耗损体力的疾病。 His body was ~d by long illness. 他的身体因 ■ 匆病而衰弱了。 4 [VP2A] be ~d: 被浪费或耗损: Turn that tap off— the water is wasting. 把那水龙头关起来,水给浪费了。 n 1 [U] wasting or being ~d: 浪甄; 徒耗: There's too much ~ in this house. U— 家人太浪费了。〃's a ~ of time to wait any longer. 再等下去是白费时间。 What a ~ of energy! 这多么浪费精力! go/run to ~, be ~ d: 被浪费; 未被利用: What a pity to see all that water running to ~! eg instead of being used for generating electric current. 眼看着那些水白白浪费掉,多可惜呀! (如未用来发电等。) 2 [U] ~ material; refuse. 废物; 残物。 '~-basket/-bin (US) (美) ,,'paper-basket (GB) (英) nn basket or other container for scraps of paper, etc. 字纸箕。 '■—-pipe n pipe for carrying off used or superfluous water. 孙水管。 3 [U] area of ~ land: 荒地; 原野; 沙漠: the ~s of the Sahara; 撒哈也沙漠; dreary scene: 凑凉的景色: a ~ of waters. 一片汪洋的凄凉景色。 ~r n (colloq) wastrel. (俗) 无用的人; 饭桶; 浪子; 浪费者。 ~fu1 /-fl; -fs!/ adj causing using more than is needed: 使无用的; 浪费的:~加 I habits/ processes; 浪费的习惯 (方法); ~ful expenditure. 浪费的开支。~ /-fall; -fall/ adv




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