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单词 wash-
释义 wash- /wdJ US: wo: J; waj/ (in compounds; often used as a substitute for washing) .( 用于复合字中; 常用以代替 washing)。 '~basin n basin for holding water in which to wash one's face and hands. 洗面盆; 洗脸盆。 ~-board n board with ridges on it, on which clothes are washed (at home). 洗衣板; 搓板。 ~bowl n (US) (美) =— basin. '~-cloth n (US) (美) = face-cloth. ,~ -day n day on which clothes were washed (at home). 洗濯日; 洗衣日。 '~-hand-basin n = ~-basin.' ~- drawing n one made with a brush in a black or neutral water-colour. 淡彩画。 ~-hand-stand n ~ ~-stand. →house n room or out-building equipped for washing. 洗衣间; 洗衣房。 '~-leather n [C, Uj (piece of) chamois leather, used for cleaning and polishing windows and other surfaces. 擦拭皮(擦拭窗子及其他表面的小羊皮)。 ~-out n a place in a railway or road where a flood or heavy rain has carried away earth, rock, etc and interrupted communications. (因洪水或大雨冲去泥土、碎石等,而阻碍交通的)辙路或道路的冲蚀处; 冲蚀缺口。 b (colloq) useless or unsuccessful person; complete failure or fiasco. (U)无用或失败的人; 大败。 '~room n (US) lavatory (esp in a public building, etc). (U)厕所(尤指公共场所者) o '~stand n (now old-fashioned, except in houses where there is no piped supply of water to bathrooms or bedrooms) piece of furniture with a basin, jug, etc for washing in a bedroom. (除尙无自来水接入浴室或卧房的建筑外,现为旧用法)(卧室用的)面盆架; 盥洗台。 '~-tub n large wooden tub in which to wash clothes. 洗濯盆; 洗衣盆。




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