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单词 wash
释义 wash2 /wdJ US: wo: J; waj/ v/ vi 1 [VP6A, 15B, 22, 2A] make clean with or in water or other liquid: 洗; 清洗; 洗去: ~ one's hands/clothes. 洗手(衣)。归 ~ them clean. 把它们洗干净。 Go and ~ your seif. 去洗澡。 I must ~ before dinner. 饭前我必须洗手。 He never ~es (ie ~es himself) in cold water. 他从不用冷水洗澡。 ~ one's hands of sth/sb, say one is no longer responsible for. 宣布对某事(某人)不再负责; 从…撒手; 断绝…的关系。 ~ one's dirty linen in public, clinen. ~ sth down, clean by ~ing, esp by using a stream or jet of water (eg from a hose): 洗清; (尤指)冲洗; 冲净: ~ down a car/the decks of a ship. 沛洗汽车(船上的甲板)。 ~ sth away/off/out. remove by ~ing: 洗去; 洗掉: ~ dirty marks off a wall; 把墙上的污迹洗错; ~ out blood stains. 祝去血迹。 be/look/feel —edout, (fig, colloq) pale and tired; exhausted. (喻,俗)苍白而疲倦的; 筋疲力竭的。 ~ up, a (GB) ~ dishes, cutlery, etc, after a meal. (英)餐后洗碗盘、刀叉等。 b (US) ~ one's face and hands. (美)洗脸洗手。 ~ sth up, (GB) ~ dishes, cutlery, etc after a meal: (英)餐后洗碗碟、刀叉等: ~ up the dinner things. 洗餐具。 Hence, 由此产生, i ~ing-'up n [U]. (Note: up indicates that a number of dishes, etc are to be ~ed. For a single article up is not used: Please ~ this plate.) (注意: up 意谓要洗的碗盘有若干件, 如只有一件,不用 up, 如: Please ~ this plate. 请把这盘子洗一洗。) (all) ~ed up (colloq) ruined; failed. [俗) (全部)毁灭; 失败; 完蛋。 2 [VP2A] (of materials) be capable of being ~ed without damage or loss of colour: (指物料或布料)耐洗; 不褪色: Does this material ~ well? 这料子耐舛吗? That argu-ment/excuse will not ~, (fig) will not bear examination, is weak. (喻)那项论据(借口)站不住脚。 3 [VP6A] (of the sea or a river) flow past or against: (jtz海最河)流过; 冲击; 拍打: The sea ~es the base of the cliffs. 海水冲击悬崖的底部。 4 [VP15B] (of moving liquid) carry away, or in a specified direction: (指流动的液体)冲去; 卷走: He was ~ed overboard by a huge wave. 他被一个巨浪从船上卷入海中。 All this timber has been ~ed up (ie carried up on to the beach) by the waves. 这些木料都是被浪冲到岸上来的。 The cliffs are being gradually ~ed away by the sea. 愈崖正逐渐被海水冲损。 ~ sth down (with), swallow (liquid) with: 连同…呑下(某种液体): My lunch was bread and cheese ~ed down with beer. 我的中餐是面包和乳酪,用啤酒帮助咽下去。 ~ed out, a (of games such as cricket, of horse-races, etc) made impossible, cancelled, by heavy rain or flooding. (指游戏如板球,指赛马等)因大雨或淹水而停止或取消。 b (of roads, etc) made impassable by heavy rain, floods, etc. (指路等)因大雨、淹水等而不通。 5 [VP6A, 15A] scoop out: 挖; 冲由: The water had ~ed a channel in the sand. 呆在沙屮冲出了一条清。 6 [VP2C] go flowing, sweeping or splashing (along, out, in, into, over, etc): 流过; 冲击; 冲刷; 溅泼(与 along, out, in, into, over 等连用): We heard the waves ~ing against the sides of our boat. 我们听到波浪冲击我们的船弦。 Huge waves ~ed over the deck. 巨浪溅泼在甲板上。 ~able /-sbl; -ski/ adj that can be ~ed without being spoiled. 可疏的; 耐洗的。




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