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单词 wander
释义 wander /'wonds(r); 'wajndvl vi, vt 1 [VP2A, B, C, 6A] go _From place to place without any special purpose or destination: 漫游; 漫步; 漂泊; 奔 K: ~ over the countryside; 在乡间漫务; ~ up ahd down the road aimlessly; 无目的鼠在路上徘宿; ~ (through/over) the world. 漫游典: 界。 Kevin ~ed in to see me this morning, paid me a casual visit. 克文今晨顺便来看我。 2 [VP2A, C] leave the right path or direction: 离开正途或正确的方向; 迷失: Some of the sheep have ~ed away, are lost, 有些羊走失了。 We ~ed (for) miles and miles in the mist. 我们在雾中迷失了很多哩路。. 3 [VP2A, C] be absent-minded; allow the thoughts to go from subject to subject: 心不在焉; 胡思乱想: Don't ~ from the subject/point. 不赛金离本题(主旨)。 His mind is ~ing. 他心不在焉。 Don't let your thoughts ~. 不要胡思乱息。 His mind/thoughts ~ed back to his college days. 他回想到他的大学时代。 ~er n person or animal that ~s. 漫游者麻徊者遗失的人; 走失的动物。 ~ings n pl \\ long travels; journeys: 长途旅行; 漫游: the story of one's ~ings. 叙郭自己而漫癖经历 2 confused speech during illness (esp high fever). (病中,尤指发高烧时,的)胡言乱语; 呓语。




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