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单词 wall
释义 wall /wal; wol/ n 1 continuous, usu vertical, solid structure of stone, brick, concrete, wood, etc forming one of the sides of a building or room, or used to enclose, divide or protect sth (including land): 墙; 壁; 垣: The castle ~s are very thick. 那豪; 堡的墙浪厚。 Hang the picture on that ~. 把这幅画挂在那边的墙上。 Some old towns have ~s right round them. 看些古老的城市周围有城墙。 Dry-stone ~s (ie of stones not fixed in mortar) extend across the moors in some parts of England. 只用石块堆成 (无灰泥粘合) 的墙,散见于英格兰某些地方的贼野中。 Fruit trees are often trained against garden ~s for protection and warmth. 果树常经修整,使靠近果园的围矫生长,以利保护和保暖。 with one's back to the ~. in a position where retreat or escape is impossible; at bay. 处于无法撤退或逃走的境地; 作困兽鬪。 be/go up the ~, (sl) be/become furious, distracted. (俚) (变得) 犯息或由狂。 bang/run one's head against a (brick) ~, attempt to do sth that is clearly impossible. 试图做显然不可能的事情。 sss through a brick ~, have wonderful vision or insight, 有眼光; 有深刻的领悟力。 2 (fig) sth suggesting or resembling a ~: (喻)似墙之物: ~ of fire; 一道似墙的火; 火墙; a mountain ~; 山壁; the ~s of the chest, the enclosing tissue and ribs; 胸壁; the abdominal ~. 腹壁。 3 side (contrasted with the centre) of the street: 街道的靠墙部分; 路侧(与路中心相对): (chiefly fig) (主要为比喻用法) go to the ~, be pushed aside as weak or helpless, get the worst of it in competition. 失败; 败北; 被推在一旁。 push/ drive sb to the ~, defeat him. 使某人陷入困境; 使某人束手无策; 击败某人。 4 (compounds) (复合字) 'flower n a common garden plant with (usu) brownish-red or orange sweet-smelling flowers. 香罗兰; 墙花(园艺植物,通常开褐红色或橘红色而有香味的花)。 b person who sits out dances because of a lack of partners. 壁花; 因无舞伴仅在一旁作壁上观的人。 '~-painting n [C]painting on a ~, esp a fresco. 墙上的画; (尤指)壁画。 '■ ~ paper n [U] paper, usu with a coloured design, for covering the ~s of rooms. 糊墙纸; 壁纸。 W 1 (usu pp) surround with a ~ or ~s: (通常用过去分词)围以墙: ~ed cities; 有城管的城市; a ~ed garden. 有围墙的花园。 2 [VP15B] ~ sth up/ off. fill or close up with bricks, etc: 以砖等堵塞; 填塞; 隔开: ~ up a window/opening; 堵塞窗子(开 n); ~ off part of a room. 隔开房间的一部分。




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