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单词 vulgar
释义 vulgar /'VAlga (r); 5lg / adj 1 ill mannered; in bad taste: 粗鄙的; 粗俗的: ~ language/behaviour/ ideas; 粗鄙的语言 (行为,观念); a ~ person; 粗俗的人; 。 ~ display of wealth. 一番庸俗的财富夸耀。 2 in common use; generally prevalent: 通俗由; 一般流行的: ~ errors/superstitions. 一般的错误 (迷信 ~fraction, one written in the usual way (eg {), contrasted with a decimal fraction (eg 0 75). 普通分数 (用普通写法,如当与小数,如。 75, 相对) 。 the ~herd, (contemptuous) the masses of ordinary people. (蔑) 庶民; 一般民众。 the ~ tongue, the language commonly spoken by the people (formerly, in England, English contrasted with Latin). 本地语; 当地语; 土语 (昔时在英国指英语,与拉丁语相对) 。 ■~ly adv vulgarian /vAl'geanan; VAl'genan/ n ~ person, esp a rich person whose manners and tastes are bad. 粗俗的人; (尤指) 粗俗的有钱人。 ~ism /'vAlganzam; 'VAlgizam/ n [C] word, phrase, expression, etc used only by ignorant persons; [U] ~ behaviour, 粗俗的语备而部的话; 粗鄙的行为。~ /vAl'gasrati; VAl'gaerati/ n (pl -ties) [U] ~ behaviour; (pl) ~ acts, utterances, etc. 粗俗的行为; 粗鄙; (复) 粗俗的动作,言词等。 ~ize /'vAlgaraiz; Sgraiz/ vt [VP6A] make 使粗俗; 使通俗化。 ~Tzation / (VAlgarai'zeiJn US: -n'z-; , vaIgor。'zeJon/ n [U].




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