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单词 vow
释义 vow /vau; vau/ n solemn promise or undertaking: 誓; 誓约; 许愿: 'marriage vows; 婚誓; a vow of chastity; 守贞的书约; under a vOw of celibacy/silence, having solemnly undertaken not to marry/speak about sth; 发过镖要独身 (保密): break a vow; 违区誓约; perform a vow, do what one promised. 履行誓言。 1 [VP6A, 7A, 9] make a vow; promise or declare solemnly: 立,; 发誓; 许愿: He vowed to avenge the insult/that he would avenge the insult. 他发誓要报复那次侮辱。 She vowed never to speak to him again. 她发誓永不再同他讲话。 They were forced to vow obedience. 他们被迫宣誓服从。 2 [VP9] (old use) = avow, (旧南法) 宣布; 宣称; 说出。




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