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单词 vital
释义 vital /'vait!; 'vaitl/ adj 1 of, connected with, necessary for, living: 生命的; 与生命有关的; 维持生命所必需的: wounded in a ~ part. 在要害处受伤。 the ~force/principle, that which is assumed to account for organic life. 生命力; 生机; 活力。 ~ stat istics, a relating to the duration of life, and to births, marriages and deaths. 生命统计; 人口动态统计 (即有关寿命、出生、婚姻及死亡的统计) 。 b (col-loq) woman's measurements at bust, waist and hips. (俗) 妇女的三围 (胸、腰、臀) 数字。 2 supreme; indispensable: 极度的; 非常的; 不可缺少的: of ~ importance; 非常重妻的; a ~ necessity. 极端需要。 ~ s n p/ ~ parts of the body, esp the lungs, heart and brain. 身体的重要器官 (尤指肺、心和脑); 要害。 ~ly /'vaitali; 'vaith/ adv ~ism -izsm; -Zizam/ n [U] belief that there is a controlling force in living things which is distinct f rom chemical and physical forces (opp of mechanism) . 生机论 (认为星物中之控制力不同于化学力和物理力) (为 mechanism 之相反字) 。 ~ist /-ist; -181/ n person who believes in ~ism. 生机论者; 持生机说者。




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