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单词 vex
释义 vex /veks; veks/ vt [VP6A] 1 annoy; distress; trouble: 使恼怒屐苦恼; 烦扰: His silly chatter would vex a saint. 他那喋喋不休的无聊话连圣人也会被惹恼。 She was vexed that I didn't help her. 她因为我未帮忙她而生气。 He was vexed at his failure. 他因失败而苦恼。 s vexed quastion, a difficult problem that causes much discussion. 争论不休的难曲; 议论纷纷的问题。 2 (poet, rhet) put (the sea) into commotion: (诗, 修辞) 使 (海) 激荡: vexed by storms. 因风暴而汹涌澎湃的。 vexation /vek'seifn; veks'ejan/ n [U] state of being vexed; [C] sth that vexes: 恼怒; 苦恼; 烦扰; 令人恼怒等的事物: the little vexations of life; 生活中的小烦恼; constant vexations from our neighbours. 我们隣居的经常烦扰。 vexatious /vek'seijas; veks'ejas/ adj annoying: 令人烦恼的; 困扰的: vexatious rules and regulations. 苛细的规章和条例。




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