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单词 very
释义 very2 /'ven; 'ven/ adv 1 (used intensively with adv, adj and part adj) : (与副词、形容词及分词形容词连用,以加强语气): ~ quickly/carefully/soon, etc; 十分快速 (当心,早等); ~ much/little; 很多 (少); ~ amusing/interesting, etc; 很好玩 (有趣等); ~ small/cold/useful, etc. 很小 (冷,有用等) 。 (Note that when the pp is part of a passive v phrase, much, or very much is preferred; when the pp is the complement of be, seem, feel, ~ is used): (注意:过去分词为被动语态动词片语的一部分时,宜用 much 或 very much; 过去分词为 be, seem, feel 的补语时,用 very): I wasn't much surprised at the news. 我对那浦息不太惊讶。 He hasn't much interested in the news. 他对那消息并不太感兴趣。 Cf 参较 He was/seemed ~ interested. 他 (似乎) 很感兴趣。 ~ well, often used to indicate agreement or assent (often after persuasion or argument, or in obedience to a command, request, etc): 好; 很好 (常用来表示同意或赞成,多用于劝吿或辩论之后,或对命令、请求等的服从): / ~ we 〃, doctor, I'll give up smoking. 好的,医生,我就戒烟好了。 Oh, ~ well, if you insist. 哦,好罢,如果你坚持的话。 2 (with a superl, or own) in the highest possible degree: (与最高级的字或 own 连用) 极度地; 极点地; 完全地: the ~ best quality; 最好的品质; the ~ first to arrive; 最先到达者; six o'clock at the ~ latest. 最迟六点盛。 You can keep this for your ~ own. 你可以保有这个东西做为你自己的。




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