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单词 vehicle
释义 vehicle /'vi: ikl; 'viikl/ n (C] 1 any conveyance (usu wheeled, eg a cart, lorry, motor-car, but also a sledge) for goods or passengers on land. 陆上交通工具; 车辆 (包括雪橇) 。 Cf 参较 craft for water, space. 指水上及空中交通工具。 2 means by which thought, feeling, etc can be conveyed: 传达思想、情感等的工具; 媒介物: Art may be used as a ~ for/of propaganda. 艺术可用作宣传的工具。 vehicular /vi'hikjulafr); vi'hikjalw/ adj related to, consisting of, conveyed by, ~s: 车辆的; 陆上交通工具的; 媒介物的: The road is closed to vehicular traffic. 此路不准车辆通行。




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