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单词 vast
释义 vast /vast US: vaest; vaest/ adj immense; extensive: 巨大的; 广袤的: ~ sums of money; 巨额金钱; a ~ expanse of desert. 一片成大的沙漠。 ~ly adv as a place of storage ('wine- ~s), or for burials (eg under a church, or in a cemetery), or for safe-keeping of valuables: 窖; 地下室 (用作贮存物品之处,如 wine—s 酒窖,或作埋葬所,如敎堂或墓地的地窖,或用以存放贵重物品): keep one's jewels in the ~ at the bank. 把珠宝存放在银行地窖中。 3 ~like covering: 穹碰状覆盖物: (poet) (诗) the ~ of heaven, the sky. 苍穹; 天亟。 ~ed adj built with, having, a ~ or ~s; in the form of a ~ :有拱形圆屋顶的; 穹岩状的: a ~ed roof/chamber. 拱形屋顶 (有拱形屋顶的会堂) 。 ~ness n




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