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单词 vain
释义 vain /vein; ven/ adj (-er, -est) 1 without use, value, meaning or result: 无益的; 无效的; 徒然的; 无结果的: ~ attempt; 徒劳的尝试; ~ hopes/prom-ises. 无结果的希望 (许诺) 。 2 in ~, a without the desired result: 无效地; 无结果地; 徒然: try in ~ to do sth. 试图做某事而无结果。 All our work was in ~. 我们的一切工作均归徒然。 b without due reverence, honour or respect: 随便地; 冒渎地; 不尊敬地: take the name of God in ~, use the word 'God'irreverently; 妄用或滥用上帝之名; lake a per-son's name in use it lightly, disrespectfully. 不尊敬地使用一个人的名字。 3 having too high an opinion of one's looks, abilities, etc; conceited: (对自己的容貌、能力等) 自视过高的; 自负的: He's as -as a peacock. 他极其自负。 She's ~ of her beauty. 她自负貌美。 ,—'glory n extreme vanity or pride in oneself 极度的自负或自傲; 虚荣。 ,~'glorious adj full of ~ glory; conceited and boastful. 虚荣心强的; 自满而浮夸的。 ~ly adv 1 in ~. 无效地; 无结果地。 2 in a conceited manner. 自负地。




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