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单词 vaccum
释义 vaccum /'vaekjuam; 'vaekjuam/ n (pl ~s or, in science, 或在科学用语中作,-ua /-jua; -jw/) space completely empty of substance or gas (es); space in a container from which the air has been pumped out. 真空; 真空状态。' ~ cleaner, apparatus which takes up dust, dirt, etc by suction. 真空吸尘器。 flask/bottle, one having a ~ between its inner and outer walls, keeping the contents at an unchanging temperature. 热水瓶; 保温瓶。 thermos,' ~ pump, a pump to create a partial ~ in a vessel. 抽气唧筒; 真空唧筒。 b pump in which a partial ~ is used to raise water. 真空式抽水机。 tube/valve, sealed glass tube with an almost perfect ~ in it, for observing the passage of an electric charge. 真空管。




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