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单词 vacant
释义 vacant /'veikant; 'vekant/ adj 1 empty: 空的: gaze into ~ space. 凝视浩瀚空茧。 2 not occupied by anyone: 未被占用的: a ~ room, eg in a hotel; (旅馆 £ 的) 空有间; apply for a ~ position, eg in an office. 申请 (如某机构中的) 空缺职堂。 ~ possession, phrase used in advertisements of houses, etc declaring that the buyer can enter into immediate occupation. 空产可立即迁入 (卖房子等的广吿用语) 。 3 (of time) not filled with any activity; leisured.' (指时间) 未安排活动的; 空档的; 空闲的。 4 (of the mind) unoccupied with thought; (of the eyes) showing no signs of thought or interest: (指心智) 空虚的; (指眼睛) 茫然的:秘讪 ~ looks; 带窘茫然的神情; a ~ stare/expression. 茫然的凝视 (表情) 。 ~ly adv




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