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单词 utilitarian
释义 utilitarian /ju:, tili'tearian; Jutila'tcnan/ adj 1 characterized by usefulness rather than by beauty, truth, goodness, 以实用为主的; 功利的; 不以美、真、善为目的的。 2 of the U~s and their ideas. 功利主义者的; 功利主义者的观念的。 n U~, supporter of ~ism. 功利主义者。 ~ism /-izdm; -,irsm/ n [U] political and moral theory that the best rule of life is to aim at 'the greatest happiness of the greatest number/ actions being considered right or wrong according as they help or hinder the achievement of this aim. (政治及道德上的) 功利主义 (认为生活最好的准则旨在增进'绝大多数人最大的幸福,'蕈以此为衡量行为的标准) 。




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