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单词 usual
释义 usual /'jutjl; 'jujual/ adj such as commonly happens; customary: 通常的; 寻常的; 平素的; 通例的: Tea is considered to be the ~ drink of British people. 茶被认为是英国人的日常饮料。 He arrived later than ~. 他到得比平常晚。 As is ~ with many picnickers, they left a lot of litter behind them. M 许多野餐者一样,他们留下了大堆的垃圾。 When the accident happened, the ~ crowd quickly gathered. 那意外事件发生时,照例围观的人群很快地聚拢来了。 as ~, as is ~: 如平常: You're late, as ~. 你像平常一样迟到了。 The meeting was, s ~, badly attended. 那次会议像平常一样参加的人不多。 ~ W /'MZSII; 'jujuali/ adv in the way that is ~: 通常地; 通例地: What do you ~ly do on Sundays? 你礼拜天通常做




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