单词 | use |
释义 | use2 /ju: z; juz/ vt (pt, pp used) /juzd; juzd/ 1 [VP6A, 16A, 14] use (for), employ for a purpose: 用; 使用; 利用: You use your legs when you walk. 标走路时用腿。 Y。 use a knife to cut bread. 你用刀切面包。 A hammer is used for driving in nails. 南是用来敲钉子的。 When persuasion failed they used force. 劝说无效时, 他们就使用武力了。 May I use (= quote) your name as a reference, eg in an application for a post. 我可以把你 (的名字) 列为我的证明人吗 (如列在求职申请单上)? 2 [VP6A, 15B] use sth (up), consume: 消耗; 用 (尽): How much coal did we use last winter? 虫牟多矣我们用了多少煤? He has ~d up all his strength. 他已耗尽了仙遍体力。 3 [VP15A] behave towards: 对待: Use others as you would like them to use you. 你希望别人如何对待你,你就该如何对待别人。 He thinks himself ill used, considers that he is badly treated. 他认为自己受到了虐待。 used /ju: zd; juzd/ adj no longer new: 用旧了的: used cars, cars offered for sale after they have been used and are no longer in new condition. (出售的) 旧汽车。 usable /'ju: zabl; 'juzabl/ adj that can be used, that is fit to be used. 苛被使用的; 堪用的; 适宜使用的。 user n sb or sth that uses: 使用者 (指人或物): There are more telephone users in the USA than in any other country. 美国使用电话的人数多于任何其他国家。 |
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