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单词 use
释义 use1 /ju: s; jus/ n 1 [U] using or being used; condition of being used: 用; 使用; 利用; 被使用状况: the use of electricity for lighting; 利用电力照,明; learn the use of tools; 胶纡使用 IJI; a room for the use of women only; ' 妇女専用的 for. use only in case of fire; 限火警时使用; 限用于消防; bought for use, not for ornament. 买来使用,非为关帆 in use, being used. 在使 用火。 out of use. not being, no longer, used. (前) i 个使用:不阴吏用。 come into use. begin to be used: 开始被使用 I When did the word 'transistor' come into common use? 电品㈱’一词何时开始被符遍使用? go/ fall out of use, be no longer used: 初发弃; 小何被使用: The custom has gone out of use. 那虬俗 Ll 被废叶。 make (good/the best) use of. use (well/in the best way): (好好地,尽妆地)利用: You must make good use of any opportunities you have of practising £7 加危你钱好好地利用所的机机练练英英。 2 [C. U] purpose for which sth or sb is or may be employed; work that sth or sb is able to do: (物或某人的)用途:用国; 效用; 功能: a tool with many uses; 仃多极用途的匚具; find a use for sth; ,A 法利用朿物; put sth to a good use; 善为利肉某核; have no further use for sth. 不再需要某物。 I have no use for (fig, dislike, have no patience with) people who are always grumbling. 我,枇那芟总是发牢騒的人。 3 [U| value; advantage: 价攸; 效用; 益处: Is this of any use to you? 这东西对你仃什么益处毗? It's no use your pretending/no use for you to pretend that you didn't know the rules. 假装小怵规则月你无益 s There isn't much use for that sori of thing nowadays. 那种东西在当而没彳 j 大偿値了。 4 (U) power of using: 使用的能力: lose the use of one's legs, become a cripple, unable to waik. 夫去使川腿的能力; 变疠; 不能行走。 5 |U] right to use: 使川权: give a friend the use of one's bike. 友使用自己的脚 i'Ko 6 [U] usage; familiarity through continued practice: 惯用:供例;?? 惯; 习例: In these cases use is the best guide. 在打此件中,惯例是最好的指针。 use ful 尸 ju: sfl; 'jusfol/ adj 1 helpful; producing good results: fj4; (助的; ■ 助益的; 仃用的: A spade is a useful tool. 镜子足仃用的 1: 如 Are you a useful member of society? 你弥社会 IJjHl 的成 R 吗? 2 (colloq) capable, efficient: (俗)能干的; 右效率的 : . He's a useful member of the team. 旭是该队的一员透将。 usefully /-foh; -foh/ adv usefulness n use less adj 1 of no use: worthless: 无用的; 无价値的: A car is useless without petrol. 汽中如无汽油就没有用了。 2 without result; inef- fectual: 无结果的; 无效的: It's useless to argue with them. 同他们辩论是不会有结果的。 use-less-ly adv USS Ivss nvss n




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