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单词 under
释义 under1 /'Anda (r); Mnd/ prep 1 in or to a position lower than: (位置) 低于; 在…之下: The cat was ~ the table. 猫在桌子下面。 It is shady ~ the trees. 在树下是荫凉的。 There's nothing new ~ the sun, (prov), nothing new anywhere. (诊) 太阳底下无新事。 We passed ~ several bridges. 我们在几座桥下面通过。 The soldiers were standing ~ (=at the foot of) the castle wall. 兵士们站在城星的墙脚下。 The village nestles ~ (- at the foot of) the hill. 那村庄坐落在山脚下。 2 in and covered by: 被…遮蔽着; 荏…的包裹中: The part of an iceberg ~ the water is much larger than the part above the water. 冰山在水面下的部分远大于在水面上的部分。 He hid his face ~ the bedclothes. 他用被单遮住脸。 Her hair came out from ~ her hat. 她的头发从帽子下面露了出来。 3 less than; lower (in rank) than: 少于; 在阶级或地位上低于: children ~ (opp 相反字 over/qAove) fourteen years of age; + 四岁以下的儿童; books for the, ~-'tens (opp 相反字 over-tens) . children under ten; 适于十岁以下见童的书; incomes ~ (opp 相反字: over/above) £3000; 不到三千. 钟的收入; run a hundred metres in ~ ten seconds; 不到十秒钟跑完一百公尺; ~ half an acre; 不到半英亩; no one ~ (opp 相反字: above/ over) (the rank of) a captain; 没有人低于上尉 (的阶级); speak ~ one's breath, in a whisper. 低声说话; 悄悄沟。 ~ age.j age. 4 (indicating various conditions) : (表示各种情况): road ~ repair, being repaired; 在传理中 lZkL ; ~ discussion, being discussed; 在讨论中; fifty acres ~ (= planted with) wheat; 五十英亩的小麦田; ~ sentence of (= sentenced to) death; 被判处死刑; living ~ an assumed name; 隐姓埋名隹日; England ~ the Stuarts, during the times of the Stuart kings and queens; 在斯图亚特王朝统明下的英国; be ~ the impression that..., have the idea or belief that.... 以为; 相信 The book is listed ~ biology, within that classification. 该书列入生物学的类蓟下。 5 weighed down by (lit and fig): K-重哒 (字面及喻): marching ~ a heavy load; 载员着重物行金; sink ~ a load of grief (taxation, etc). 因悲伤 (重税等) 的负担而倒下去。




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