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单词 two
释义 two /lu:; tu/ n, adj 1 the number 2. 二; 两个。 l7App 4. 参看附食四。 break/cut sth in two, into two parts. 分裂 (切割) 某物为二。 put two and two together, infer sth from what one sees, hears, learns, etc. 根据所见、所闻、所知等推断某事物。 by twos and threes, two or three at a time. 三三两两地; (一次) 两个三个地。,丁 wo can play (at) 'that game, used as a threat of retaliation, 那把戏可足彼此都可玩的啊 (此语系在一人吃亏后的威胁话,意谓你这样做,我也可以照样报复) 。 2 (compounds) (复合字) wo-'edged adj (of a sword) having a cutting edge on each side; (fig, of an argument, etc) liaving two possible (and contrary) meanings. (指刀剑) 双锋的; 有两导的; (喻,指论据等) 有正反两意义的。 .two-'faced adj (fig) insincere. (喻) 两面的; 虚伪的。 'twofold adj, adv double, doubly. 二倍; 二重。 .two-'handed adj (of a sword) needing two hands to use it; (of a saw, etc) to be used by two persons, one at each end. (指刀剑) 需要双手运用的; (指锯等) 需要两人使用的。 'two-pence /'tApans US: 'tu: pens; 'tApans/ n sum of two pence. 两便士金额。 'twopenny /'tApam US: 'tu: -peni; 'tu’peni/ adj costing two pence. 値两便士的。 (twopenny 'piece, GB coin worth two Pence. (英) 两便士硬币。 .two-penny- half.penny /itApm 'heipni US: ttu: peni 'haefpeni; 'tApam'he-pani/ adj (colloq) almost worthless; petty. (俗) 几乎无价宿的; 微不足道的。 'two-a-penny adj easy to obtain; cheap; almost worthless. 易得到的; 便宜的; 几乎无偿値的 0 .two-'piece n set of garments of similar or matching material, eg skirt and jacket, trousers and jacket; bra and briefs (for swimming); 两件式的成套衣服 (质料等相似或相配的两件衣服,如裙子及上衣,神子及上装); (女子的) 两件式泳装 (奶罩及短滤); (attrib) (形容用法) 《 fwo-piece s 二件式套装。 'two-ply adj of two strands or thicknesses: 双股的; 两启 (厚) 的: iwo-ply wool/wood. 双股毛线 (双层木料) 。 itwo-'seater n car, aircraft, etc with seats for two persons. 双座汽车、飞机等。 'two-timing adj (sl) deceitful; engaged in doublecrossing, (f) 欺骗的; 不忠实的; 从事欺骗勾当的。 ,two-'way attrib adj a (of a switch) allowing current to be switched on or off from either of two points. (指开关) 双向的; 两路的。 b (of a road or street) in which traffic may move in both directions. (指路或街) 双向的; 对向交通的。 Cf 参较 one-way street, c (of radio equipment, etc) for both sending and receiving. (指无线电装备等) 收发两用的。




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