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单词 twin
释义 twin /twin; twin/ n 1 either of two children born together of the same mother: 双胞胎之一: one of the ~s; 双胞胎中的一个; (attrib) (形容用法) ~ brothers. 挛生兄弟。 2 (usu attrib) completely Hke, closely associated with, another: (通常作形容用法) 完全相似的; 关系密切的: 0 ship with ~ propellers, two identical propellers; 双螺旋桨输船; ~ beds, two identical single beds; 两张完全一样的单人床; a ' set, woman's jumper and long sleeved cardigan of the same colour and style. (颜色与式样相同、配在一起穿的) 女用套头毛衣及长袖毛线外套。 v, [VP6A, 14] ~ (with), join closely together; e; pair. 密切结合; 匹配; 成对。twinned,




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