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单词 turn
释义 turn2 /t3:n; t?n/ vt, vi (For uses with adverbial particles and preps, 7 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的用法,参石下列第 7 莪。) 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 2A, C, 4A] (cause to) move round a point; (cause to) move so as to face in a different direction: (使) 旋转; (使) 转动; 转转: The earth ~s round the sun. 地成绕日理行。 The wheels of the car were ~ing slowly. 汽车的输子在缓缓地转动。 What ~s the wheels? 什么力量使车轮转动? He ~ed away from me. 他避开企。 He ~ e j his back on me, → back1 ⑴. 他转过身去不理我。 He ~ed his back to the wall. 利成背转向墙。 He ~ed his head (round) and looked back. 他亩头往后看。 He ~ed to look at me. 他转过 (身) 来看着我。 He ~ed (to the) left. 他向左边转。 It's time we ~ed and went back home. 我们 (现在) 应该折返回家去了。 He was idly ~ing the pages of a magazine. 他在无聊地翻 (看) — 本杂志。 The car ~ed (round) the corner. 甬车转丽街角。 Be careful how you ~ that corner. 转赤个 (街 j 角要格外当心。 Please ~ your eyes (→ look) this way. 请朝这边看。 The mere thought of food ~ed his stomach, upset his stomach, made him feel ill. 一想到食物就使他作呕。 His stomach ~ed at the sight of food. (当时) 他一看到食物就觉得想吐。 When does the tide ~, begin to flow in/out? 商水何时制退)? This tap ~s easily. 这个水龙头转动起来很容易。 ‘ s easy to ~ this tap. 这个水龙头容易转动。 Nothing will ever ~ him from (= cause him to change) his purpose. 什么也不能使他改变他的目标。 ~ one's mind/thoughts/attention to sth, direct one's mind, etc to: 把百己的心智 (思想,注意力) 灌注在某事物上: Please ~ your attention to something more important. 请把注意力用在较重要的事上。 ~ one's hand to sth, (be able to) undertake (a task, etc) : (能够) 从事或担任 (一项工作等): He can ~ his hand to most jobs about the house, can deal with them. 家里的事情大多数他都能做。~ sth to account, account (3). ~ a deaf ear to sth, refuse to listen to: 不听; 恒绝听: They ~ed a deaf ear to my request for help. 他们对我的求助置若罔闻。 ~ sb's flank; ~ the flank of sb, pass round an enemy's position so as to attack it in the flank or rear; (fig) outwit him; defeat him in debate, etc. 由侧面迂回包抄敌人; (喻) 机智上胜过某人; 在辩论等中击败某人。 ~ the corner, (fig use) (比喻用法) corner ⑴ . ~ the scale(s), scale (1). 2 [VP6A, 14, 15A, B, 2A, C, 3A] ~ (sth) (into sth), (cause to) change in nature, quality, condition, etc: (使) 改变性质,品质,状况等: Frost ~s water into ice. 严寒使水结成冰。 Caterpillars ~ into become) butterf lies. 龟虫会变成曲蝶。 This hot weather has ~ed the milk, made it sour, 这炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。 His hair has ~ed gre. 他的头发花白了。 Anxiety ~ed his hair white. 焦虑使他的头发变白了 (他的头发愁白了) 。 The leaves are beginning to change colour (as in autumn). 树上的叶子开始改变颜色了 (如在秋天) 。 Could you ~ this piece of prose into verse/this passage into Greek? 你能把这篇散文改写成韵文 (把这段文字翻译成希腊文) 吗? He has ~ed traitor, become a traitor. 也变成了饭逆。 He's a politician ~ed! poet, who has become a poet, 他由从政者变成了诗人。 r ~ the dog loose, let it go free, eg by releasing it from a chain. 把那只狗放开。 ~ sb's brain, upset him mentally. 使某人精神恍惚或错乱。 ~ sb's head, unsettle him, make him vain: 使某人狂妾; 使某人自负: The excessive praise the young actor received ~ed his head. 那年轻 (男) 演员所受到的过分赞翳使他狂玄起来了。 3 [VP6A] reach and pass: 到达并超过: He has ~ed reach the age of) fifty. 他已届知命之年。〃 has just ~ed two, is just after two o'clock. 现在刚过两点钟。 4 [VP6A] shape (sth, wood or metal) on a lathe, etc: 在由床等上车 (某物,木质或金属): ~ brass; 在车床上车铜器; a machine- ~ed cigarette-case; 机械雕花的香烟盒; ~ a bowl on a potter's wheel; 在拉压轮车上车一陶碗; (fig) give a graceful form to: (G优矣的形式: ~ an epigram/a compliment; 作筒语 (易听的恭维话); a well- ~ed phrase/sentence; 措辞巧妙的话 (句子); a well- ~ed ankle; 外型美好的足踝; (with passive force): (含被动意): wood/metal that ~ 5 (= can be ~ed) easily. 容易加工的木材 (金属) 。 5 [VP6A] remake (a garment) so that the inner surface becomes the outer surface: 翻面改做 (衣服): I'll have this old overcoat ~ed. 我 (将) 要把这件旧大衣翻一翻。 ~o/ie's coat, O coat (1). '~coat n person who deserts one party to join another, esp to win profit, advantage, safety, etc. 脱党者; 变节者 (尤指为获得利益,好处,安全等) 。 6 (compounds) (复合字) ,~》 cock n person employed to ~ water on or off (at the mains). (总水管扣水龙头开闭员。 '■ key n keeper of the keys in a prison; jailer. (监狱的) 看守; 狱卒。 '~pike n (hist) gate kept closed across a road and opened on payment of a toll; (US) toll road for fast traffic. (史) 收路税关卡; (美) 收费高速公路。 '~spit n (hist) dog or servant who turned the spit on which meat, etc used to be roasted. (史) (往昔烤肉时转动肉叉的) 转叉狗; 转叉仆。 '~stile n revolving gate that admits, lets out, one person at a time. (— 次只能容许一人出入的) 旋转栅门。 '~-table n flat circular platform, eg one on which gramophone discs are played, or on which a railway locomotive is turned round. 圆形转盘 (如唱机转盘); 圆形转台 (如铁路机车的调向台) 。 7 [VP14, 15B, 2C, 3A] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps) : (与副词接语和介词连用的特殊用法): turn (sb) about, (cause to) ~ to one side or in a different direction: (使) 转向; 回头; 转向一边 About ~! (as a military command, in drills, etc). 向后转! (军队操练等时的口令) 。 turn sb adrift, send sb awav without help or support: 逐出某人 (使漂泊无依); 芷某人流浪: He ~ed his son adrift in the world, sent him away from home and ref used to help him. 他将其子逐出家户。 turn (sb) against sb, (cause to) become hostile to: (使) 对…变为敌对; 采取敌对态度; 反抗: She ~ed against her old friend. 她敌视蚯的名友。 He tried to ~ the children against their mother. 他试图使孩子们反抗他们的母观。 turn (sb) aside (from), (more usu 较常作 ~ away) (cause to) ~ to one side or in a different direction (使) 转变方向; (使) 转向一边; (使) 避开。 turn (sb) away, (cause to) ~ in a different direction so as not to face sb/sth; ref use to look at, welcome, help, admit (to a place) : (使) 转脸而不面对某人或某物; 拒绝看,欢迎,帮助,让人进入某地: She ~ed away in disgust. 她感到厌恶而把脸转开。 He ~ed away a beggar. 他逐出一名乞丐。 We had to ~ away hundreds of people, eg from a stadium, because all seats were sold 我们不得不谢绝数以百计的观众 (如球场的票已全部资光) 。 turn (sb/sth) back, (cause to) return the way one has come: (使) 从原路回去; 折回; 逐回; 赶回去: It's getting dark—we'd better ~ back. 天快黑了 — 我们饺好回去吧。 We were/Our car was ~履 back at the frontier. 我们 (我们的车) 在边界上被赶了回来。 turn (sth) down, a (cause to) fold down: (使) 指起溜下: ~ down one's coat collar; 把衣领翻下; a -clown collar; 翻领; ~ down the bed-clothes. 折起床单等。 b reduce (the flame or brilliance of a gas- or oil-lamp, stove, etc) by ~ing a wheel or tap: 转小或扭小 (煤气灯或油灯,炉火等): ~ down the lamps. 扭小灯光。 c place (a playing-card) on the table face downwards. 使 (纸牌) 面向下; 翻扣 (纸牌) 在桌上。 ~ sb/sth down, refuse to consider (an offer, a proposal, or the person who makes it): 拒绝; 摒斥 (提议,建议,作建议的人等): He tried to join the army but was ~ed down because of poor health. 他想从军, 但因身体不好而遭到拒绝。 He asked Jane to marry him but she ~ed him down/ ~ed. down his proposal. 他要珍嫁给他,但她拒绝了他 (拒绝了他的求婚) 。 turn in, (colloq) go to bed. (俗) 就寝。 ~ in on oneself/itself, withdraw from contact with others; become a recluse; (of a country) become isolationist. 隐居(不与他人接触); 做隐士; (指国家)变为孤立主义者。 ~ sb in, (colloq) surrender sb to the police, (俗)把某人交给警察; 向警方交出某人。 ~ (sth) in, (cause to) fold or slant inwards: (使) 向内郁: His toes ~ in. 他的足趾内皆。 He ~ed his toes in. 他使足趾内曲。 ~ sth in, (colloq) give back to those in . authority: (俗)志还当局: You must ~ in your equipment (eg uniform) before you /eave. 你离开军队时,必须缴回装备(如制服)。 turn (sth) inside out, (cause to) become inside out: (使)篇转; 将里面翻作外面: The wind ~ed my old umbrella inside out. 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。 He ~ed his pockets inside out in search of his keys. 他把口袋翻出来找他的钥匙。 turn off, change direction; leave (one road) for another: 改变方向; 离开(一条路)而走上另一条路; 转弯; 分歧: Js this where we ~ off/'where our road ~s off for Hull? 这里就是我们要转往赫尔(我们的路转向赫尔) 的地方吗? ~ sth off, stop the flow of (liquid, gas, current) by ~ing a tap, switch or other control: 借转动龙头、开关或其他控制器而停止 (液体、瓦斯、电流等)的流动; 关上; 关闭: ~ off the water/lights/radio/TV. 关掉自来水(电灯,收音机,电视)。 ~ (sb) off, (sl) (cause sb to) lose interest, desire, etc: (ffi)( 使某人)失去兴趣、欲望等; 扫某人的兴皱: He/This music really ~s me off! 他(这音乐)真使我扫兴! Hence, 由此产生, '~-off n sth/ sb that causes this. 令人扫兴的人或事物。 turn sth on, start the flow of (liquid, gas, current) by ~ing a tap, switch, etc: 借转动龙头、开关等而使(液体、瓦斯、电流等)流动; 打开; 转开; 开启: T ~ the lights/radio on. 打开电灯(收音机)。 She's fond of ~ing on the charm, (fig) using her charm to influence people. (喻)她喜欢利用她的姿色去影响别人。 ~ ( sb) on, (sl) (cause sb to) have great pleasure or excitement: (俚)(使某人)感到极大的愉快或激动; (使)高兴或兴奋: Some girls ~ on easily. 有些女孩字很容易激动。 What kind of music ~s you on? 哪一种音乐特别使你感到兴奋? Some drugs ~ you on very quickly, quickly change your mental or emotional state. 有些药杨很快就会使你兴奋。 Hence, 山此产生, ~-on n sth/sb that causes this. 使人激动应贡奋的人或事物。 ~ on sth. depend on: 依赖; 视而定; 以… 为转移 The success of a picnic usually ~s on the weather. 一次野餐的成功通常要靠天气。~。 sb, become hostile to; attack: 变为 N - Uki; 攻击: The dog ~ed on me and bit me in the leg. 那狗向我袭击并且咬伤了我的腿。 turn out (well, etc), prove to be; be in the end: 证明为; 结窠: Everything ~ed out well/satisfactory. 结果一切都很好(令人满意)。 The day ~ od out wet. 那天竟然下雨了。 As it ~ed out... , As it happened in the end.... 结果(终于) …; 后来演变成…。 ~ (sth) out,- (cause to) point outwards: (使)向外: His toes ~ out. 他的足址外翻。 He ~ed his toes out. 他使足趾外曲。 ~ sth out, a extinguish by ~ing a tap, switch, etc: 关掉; 灭掉: Please ~ out the lights/gas-fire before you go to bed. 请在就寝前关掉电灯(煤气炉)。 b empty (a drawer, one's pockets, a room, etc) when looking for sth, when cleaning sth: 倒空或腾空(抽屉,口袋,房间等, 如寻物或清理时); 彻底清除或清理: ~ out all the drawers in one's desk; 彻底清理书桌所有的抽屉; ~ out the attic, to get rid of unwanted articles, etc. 彻底清理阁楼(丢弃不需要的东西等)。 ~ sb/ sth out. produce, eg manufactured goods: 制造; 生产(如工业制品): Our new factory is ~ing out large quantities of goods. 我们的新工厂正在生产大量的货身。 The school has ~ e) out some first-rate scholars. 该校已造就出若干位第一流的学者。 ~ (sb) out, a (cause him to) assemble for some event, or for duty: (使某人)为某事件或某职责而集合; 出动: The whole village ~ed out to welcome the princess. 全村的人都出来欢迎公主。 Not many men ~ed out for duty. 没有许多人出勤, b (colloq) (cause sb to) get out of bed. (俗) (笹众人)起床。 ~ sb out (of/from sth), expel by force, threats, etc: (以强迫、威胁等方式)驱逐; 迫使放弃: ~ sb out of his job/chair; 迫使某人放弃他的工作(讲座); ~ out a tenant (= from his house) for not paying the rent. 因不付租金而逐出房客。 ~ed out, (of a person, equipment, etc) dressed, equipped: (指人,装备等) ' 穿着…的; 有…装备的: a well- ~ed out young man. 衣着良好的年轻人。 She was beautifully ~ed out, elegantly dressed. 她装束得很美丽。 Hence, 由此产生, '~out n a persons who have ~ed out (assembled): 群集的人们; 一批出勤者: There was a good ~-out at the meeting. 出席会议者十分踊跃。 b occasion when one ~s out (empties, etc) a drawer, etc: 清理; 清除: The drapers in my desk are full of old papers—it's time / had a good ~-out. 我书桌的抽屉里塞满了旧文件 —— 我该彻底整理一下了。 c equipment; way in which sth is equipped; clothes and accessories worn together: 装备; 装备的方式; 装束; 穿着打扮(包括衣服及配件): a smart/sloppy ~ - 。如. 漂亮(草率)的装扮。 d output (the more usu word) of manu-factured goods, etc. 产额; 生产量 (output 较常用)。 turn (sb/sth) over, (cause to) faH over, upset; change the position of: (使)跌落; (使)打翻; 翻转; 倒转; 翻身: The car (was) ~ed right over, completely upset. 那辆汽车来了个大翻身。 He ~ed over in bed. 他在床上翻身。 The nurse ~ed the old man over and gave him an injection in the left buttock. 那护士把那位老人翻过去,在他的左臀上打了一针。 ~ sth over, do business to the amount of: 营业额达于: His business ~s over £500 a weeA. 血而福商苗周的营业额为五百镑。 ~ sth over in one's mind. think about sth (before making a decision). 思考某事; 熟思; (做决定前)再三考虑。 ~ sth/sb over (to sb), give the control or conduct of sth/sb to: 移安; 交付; 让渡; 转卖: / ' 屹 ~ed over the management of my affairs to my brother. 我已经把我的事务交给坂的蓄哥(弟弟) 处理。 He's ~ed over his business to his successors. 他已经把他的事业移交给他的继承人了。 The thief was ~ed (= handed) over to the police. 那窃贼已被送交瞽察。 Hence, 由此产生, '~oyer n a amount of money ~ed over in business within a period of time or for a particular transaction: (某一期间或某一笔买卖的)营业额; 销货金额: a profit of £1 000 on a ~ over of £10 000; 做一万傍的生意获利一千镑; sell goods at low prices hoping for a quick ~。 ver, quick sales and quick replacement of stock. 低价售货以期周转迅速。 b rate of renewal: 更换率; 换新率: There is a higher ~ over of the labour force in unskilled trades than in skilled trades, unskilled workers leave and are replaced more quickly. 非技术行业比技术行业的人事变动率高。(c) tart made by folding over half of a circular piece of pastry over the other half, with jam, meat, etc inside. 卷酥; 半圆卷饼。 turn (sth/sb) round, (cause to) face another way, be in another direction: (使)面对另一方向; 转向; 采取新方向: T ~ round and let me see your profile. 转过去,让我看看你的侧面。 T~ your chair round to the fire. 把你的椅子转向火。 Hence, 由此产生, '■ round n (esp of a ship or aircraft) process of getting it ready for the return voyage or flight: (尤指船或飞机)回航的准备过程或手续(如进港、卸货、装货、离港等); 装卸: a —round of 24 hours in Southampton, eg for an Atlantic liner. 在南安普顿作廿四小时的装卸停留(如一粳大西洋客轮)。. turn to, get busy: 开始工作; 动手做事: The design staff ~ed to and produced a set of drawings in twenty-four hours. 制图人员着手工祁并在廿四小时内制成了一套图样。 ~ to sb. go or apply to: 求助于: The child ~ed to its mother for comfort. 那孩子向母亲求安慰。 She has nobody to ~ to. 她无人可求助。 turn up, a make one's appearance; arrive: 出现; 出席; 到达: He promised to come, but hasn't ~ed up yet. 他答应来,但尚未到。 My boss hasn't ~ed up this morning — I hope she isn't ill. 我的老板今天早晨还没有来 —— 我希望她没有生病。 b be found, esp by chance: 被发现 (尤指偶然地): The book you've lost may ~ up one of these days. 你遗失的那本书也许这几天会找到。 (C) (of an opportunity, etc) happen; present itself: (指机会等) 发生; 出晚: He's still waiting for something (eg a job, a piece of good luck) to ~ up. 他质在期待机会出现。 ~ (sth) up. a - (cause to) slope upwards: (使) 向上倾斜:~ ( = rotb) up one's shirt sleeves. 衣袖子。 b expose; make visible: 暴露; 使可见: The share of a plough ~s up the soil. 犁簸将土翻起。 The ploughman ~ed up some buried treasure/an old skull. 那农夫用犁商起了若干埋藏的财宝 (一个古老的头盖骨 ) 0 - sb up, (colloq) cause to vomit; disgust: (俗) 使作呕; 使厌恶: The stink from the slaughter-house ~ed me up. 屠宰场的恶臭使我作呕。 ~ up one's nose at sth, (fig) express a superior and critical attitude towards: (喻) 轻视; 瞧不起; 对… 持优越及批评态度 She ~ed! up her nose at the suggestion. 她对这项建议显出不屑一顾的样子。 '~-up n a turned fold at the bottom of a trouser-leg. (M 脚的) 卷边。 b ~- up (for the book), surprising and unexpected event: 出人意表的惊人事件; 突发事件: Fancy seeing you after all these years. What a ~-up for the book! 没料到过了这许多年 (在这里) 见到你。真是做梦也想不到! turn upon, 。 ~ on above, attack). 参看上列之 ~ on。




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