单词 | turn |
释义 | turn1 /t3:n; tn/ n 1 act of turning; turning move-ment: 旋转;转如: a few ~s of the handle; 把手的数次转如 a ~ of Fortune's wheel, a change of fortune. 机运的转变。 ~ of the century, the time when a new century (2) starts, 新世纪开始时(一世纪末与下一世纪初)。 on the about to change: 前痢改虫; 正要改史 The milk is on the ~, about to turn sour. 车奶快要酸了。 The tide is on the ~. 潮水快要涨(退) 了。 done to a ~, (from the use of a ~spit) cooked just enough, neither underdone nor overdone. (来自从前使用狗转动烤肉叉之方法)(指食物)烹煮得恰到好处; 火候到家。 2 change of direction: 转变方向; 弯: sudden ~s in the road. 路上的急 at every —, (fig) very frequently: (喻)经常施; 不时地: I've been coming across old friends at every ~ during this reunion. 在这次团聚中,我经常遇见老友。 He was frustrated at every ~, every time he tried to achieve his aim. 他每次都遭遇挫折。 3 change in condition: 改变情况; 转机; 变化: The sick man/My affairs took a ~ for the better/worse. 病人(我的事情)转好(坏)了。 His illness took a favourable ~. 他的病情有了良好的转机。 4 occasion or opportunity for doing sth, esp in one's proper order among others: (轮流做某事的)时机; 机会; 次序: H's your ~ to read now, John. 约翰,现在输到你读了。 Wait (until it is) your ~. 等着轮到你。 My ~ will come (sometimes meaning I shall have my time of success, triumph, revenge, etc', according to context). 总会输到我(有时意谓'我总有出头、胜利、报复等的一天 ')0(do sth) ~ and ~ about, (of two or more persons) first one and then the other(s); alternately (指两人或多人)轮流地(做某事); 交替地。 by ~s, (of persons, groups, actions) in rotation; one after the other: (指人,团体,行为)轮流地; 轮替地; 依次地: She went hot and cold by ~s. 她一阵发热一阵发冷。 They laughed and cried by ~s. 他们一会儿笑一会儿哭。妨~,(of two persons) → ~ and ~ about; (of more than two persons) in succession: (指两人)轮流地; (指三人以上)一个接一个地; 接连地; 依次 The boys were summoned in ~ to see the examiner. 男孩子们依次被召入会见考试官。 out of ~, before or after the permitted time: 在规定时间之前或后; 不按顺序地: You mustn't speak out of (your) ~. 未输到你的时候,不可发言。 take ~ (at sth); take ~s about, do it in ~: 轮流做某事: Mary and Helen took ~s at sitting up with their sick mother, Mary sat up first, Helen next, and so on. 玛莉和海伦轮流熬夜陪伴她们生病的母亲。 5 action regarded as affecting sb. 被认为具有影响力的举动或行为。 One good ~ deserves another, (prov) Help, kind service, etc should be repaid. (-K) 施惠者应受惠(好心应有好报)。 do sb a good/bad ~, be/not be helpful. (封某人)有恩惠或帮助(有损害)。 6 natural tendency: 自然的趋势; 倾向; 癖性: a boy with a me'chanical ~, interested in, clever at, mechanical things. 爱好机械的男孩子。 He has a gloomy ~ of mind. 他有忧郁的癖性。 7 purpose; special need. 目的; 特殊需要。 serve one's ~, meet one's requirements: 适合自己的需要: I think this book will serve my ~. 我想这本书将可适合我的需要。 8 short period of activity: 短时间的活动: I'll take a few ~ 5 (= have a walk) round the deck before I g。to bed. 就寝前我将住甲板上散一会儿步。 I'll take a ~ ar the oars now if you want a rest. 如果你需要休息,我来划一会儿桨。 9 short performance on the stage (esp of a variety theatre, or similar entertainment for sound or TV broadcasts), eg a song, dance, juggling feat, display of skill. 短时间的综艺节日(尤指杂耍戏院,或无线电、电视广播中出现的娱乐节 L1, 如歌、舞、戏法、特技)。 star ~,most popular 最受欢迎的综艺节目。 10 (colloq) nervous shock: (俗)震惊; 吃惊: The news gave me quite a ~. 这消息使我大吃一惊。 ~ |
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