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单词 turf
释义 turf /txf; t3-f/ n 1 [U] soil-surface with grassroots growing in it: 草泥; 草皮; 草根土: strip the ~ off a field; 除去 [H 中而草泥; make a lawn by laying ~ (instead of sowing grass-seed). 铺草根土 (代替撤草种)以做成草地。 the ~, the race-course; the occupation of profession of horse-racing. 跑马场; 赛马业。 accountant,~commission agent, bookmaker, book1 (8). K 马业者。 2 (pl ~s or 或 turves /t3: vZ; tmvz/) piece of ~ cut out; (in Ireland) (piece of) peat. 草皮; 草皮块; (爱尔兰)泥炭(块); 泥煤(块 )oD W 1 [VP6A] cover or lay (a piece of land) with ~. 氏草泥覆盖(一片土地); 铺草皮。 2 [VP15B] ~ out. (GB sl) throw out. (英俚)起出; 抛出。




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