单词 | trust |
释义 | trust2 /trASt; trASt/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] have trust (1) in; believe in the honesty and reliability of: 信赖; 信任; 相信: He's not the sort of man to be ■ed/not a man / would 他不是一个可靠的人 You ~ to (不是我可以信赖的人) 。 Can you ~ his account of hat happened? 你能相信他对发生的事情所作的报吿吗? 2 [VP3A] ~ in sb. have confidence in; believe that he will act for the best: 信仰; 对…有信心: ~ in God. 信上帝。 ~ to sth, have reliance on: 依赖; 依弄: Don't ~ to chance. 不要依靠机会。 You ~ to your memory too much. 你茧分依頼你的记忆了。 3 [VP14] ~ sth to sb, = entrust (the more usu word). 委托; 托付 (entrust 较常用) 。 4 [VP15A, B, 17] allow (sb) to do sth, have sth, go somewhere, etc without anxiety, knowing that he will act sensibly, etc: 对 (柔人) 放心; 信任; 信得过: Can I ~ you to get the money safely to the bank? 我能信任你将这笔钱安全存入银行吗? He may be ~ed to do the work well. 他或许可以信得过做好那项工作。 We can't ~ that boy out of our sight. 那男孩一离开我们的视线,我们就不放心。 It's unwise to ~ small children out of doors in a big town, eg because of traffic dangers. 在大城市中听任小孩在外面玩是不智的 (例如因有交通事故的危险) 。 Should boys of 16 be ~ed with high-powered motor-bikes? 十六岁的男孩子应该听任其骑马力大的机车吗? 5 [VP6A] allow credit to a customer: 藤, : I wonder whether the newsagent will ~ me; I need some cigarettes and I've no money on me. 我不知道报纸经销商会不会让我除帐; 我需要几支香烟,而我没有带钱。 6 [VP7A, 9] earnestly hope: 热望; 切望: I ~ you're in good health. 我希望你身体安康。 You're quite well, / 我希望你身体很信。 (comm) (商) We ~ to receive a cheque from you in settlement of this account. 我们协望收到你的支票以淸理这笔帐。 |
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