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单词 trumpet
释义 trumpet /'trAmpit; 'trAmpit/ n 1 musical wind instrument of brass. 喇叭; 号。→ the illus at brass. 参看 brass 之插图。 blow one's own ~ ,(fig) praise oneself. (喻) 自吹自擂。 2 sound (as) of a ~ .喇叭声; 似喇叭声。 3 sth suggesting a ~ in shape or use (eg the corona of a daffodil). 形状或功用似喇叭之物 (如水仙花的花冠) 。 vi 1 [VP6A, 15B] proclaim, make known; celebrate: 宣布; 鼓吹; 庆祝: ~ (forth) sb's heroic deeds. 宣扬某人的英勇事迹。 2 [VP2A, C] (esp of an elephant) make loud sounds. (尤指象) 高声鸣叫。 ~er n person who plays a ~ .南叭手; 号羊。




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