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单词 trump
释义 trump1 /trAmp; trAmp/ n [C] 1 (in card games such as whist, bridge) each card of a suit that has been declared as having higher value than the other three suits (牌戏,如惠斯特,桥牌) 王牌; 将牌: Hearts are ~s. 红: 心是王牌。 declare (1). play one's ~ card, (fig) make use of one's most valuable resource, means of gaining one's ends (esp after trying other means). (喻) 使用最后手段; 使出杀手编; 拿出王牌; 使出最厉害的一招。 turn up ~s, (colloq) (俗) a have a better result than was expected. 结果较预期为佳。 b have a stroke of good luck. 走耳运。 2 (colloq) excellent fellow; person who is full of resource, is generous, etc. (俗) 才俊; 杰出之士; 好人; 有智谋,性情慷慨等的人。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 2A] play a ~ card (on): 出王牌; 以王牌取胜: ~ the ace of clubs. 出王牌吃掉梅花么点牌。 2 [VP15B] (usu passive) (通常用被动语态) ~ sth up. invent (an excuse, a false story, etc) in order to deceive sb: 揑蓄 (借口,虚假故奋等) : He was arrested on a ~ed!-up charge. 诬吿罪被捕。




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