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单词 treat
释义 treat /trut; trit/ vt, vi 1 [VP15A, 16B] ~ (as), act or behave towards: 对待; 看待; He ~s his wife badly. 他对待太太不好。 Don't ~ me as (if I were) a child. 不要把我当作小孩子看待。 You must ~ them with more consideration. 你必负多膻谅他们一点。 2 [VP16B] ~ as, consider: KM为: We had better it as a joke, instead of taking it seriously. 我们最好把它当作笑话 (不必认真) 。 3 [VP6A] discuss; deal with: 讨论; 探讨: The lecturer ~ed his subject thoroughly. 那演讲者对其讲题阐释得很透微。 The problem has been ~ed by numerous experts. 这问题已由很多专家探讨过了。 4 [VP3A] ~ of, (formal) be about: (正式用语) 论述; 论及: The essay/ Ucture/book ~s of the progress of cancer research. 这篇文章 (这演讲,这本书) 论述癌症研究的进展情形。 5 [VP6A] give medical or surgical care to: 治疗: Which doctors are ~ing her for her illness? 哪几位医生夸为她诊治? How would you ~ a case of rheumatism/ ~ sb ill with influenza? 你怎样治疗风湿症 (治疗流行性感冒患者) ? 6 [VP6A] put (a substance) through a process (in manufacture, etc): (在制造等过程中) 处理 (某物): ~ a substance with acid/wood with creosote. 以酸处理某物 (以杂酚油处理木材) 。 7 [VP6A, 14] ~ sb/ oneself (to sth), supply (food, drink, entertainment, etc) at one's own expense (to): (以食物、饮料、娱乐等) 宴变; 款待; 招待: ~ one's friends to oysters and champagne. 请朋友享用蛛及香槟酒。 I shall ~ myself to a good weekend holiday. 我要好好地度个周末。 It's my turn to ~ us today. 冬天该我请客。 8 [VP3A] ~ with sb, discuss or arrange with him: 窍判; 磋商: ~ with the enemy for peace. 与敌人谈南。 If we are to ~ with you, it must be on equal terms. 如果我们同你谈判 ,必须基于平等的条件。 n 1 [C] sth that gives pleasure, esp sth not often enjoyed or sth that comes unexpectedly: 予人吾悦的事物; 乐事 (尤指不常享用或突如其来老): What。 ~ I。get into the peace and quiet of the country! 居住在宁静的乡间真是一件乐 U ! It's a great ~ for her to go to the ballet. 去欣赏芭蕾舞对她来说真足一大乐事。 2 act of ing (7): 宴变;款待; 招待: This is to be my ~, I'm going to pay, 这次我请客。 stand ~, (colloq) bear the expense of the entertainment. (俗) 作旅道。




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