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单词 treasure
释义 treasure /'trezs(r); 'trezv/ n 1 [C, U] (store of) gold and silver, jewels, etc; wealth: 金银;珠宝; 财宝; 宝物; 财货; 财富: The pirates buried their 海盗埋蔵他们的财宝。 '~house n building where ~ is stored. 宝库; 宝藏室。 '~trove n [U] ~ found hidden in the earth and of unknown ownership. 埋于地下的无主宝藏。 2 highly valued object or person: 极受珍爱的物或人: The National Gallery has many priceless 'art ~s. 国家画廊有许多无价的艺术珍蔵。 She says her new secretary is a perfect ~. 她说她新用的秘书非常理想。 My ~! (as a term of endearment). 我的宝贝!(亲密语)。口灯 1 [VP6A, 15B] ~ sth (up), store for future use: 储蔵; 珍藏: ~ memories of one's holiday in Thailand; 珍惜在泰国度假的回忆; ~ sth up in one's memory. 铭记某事。 2 [VP6A] value highly: 重视; 珍惜: ~ sb's friendship. 珍惜某人的友谊。 He ~s the watch his father gave him. 他珍爱他父亲送给他的那只表。 ~ r /'tre3ara(r); 'trezsrv/ n person in charge of money, etc belonging to a club or society. 掌管俱乐部或社团之钱财者; 财务; 会计; 出纳。




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