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单词 tpgether
释义 tpgether /ta'geda(r); ta'gedw/ adv 1 in company: 在一起; 共同窍: They went for a walk ~. 他们一起去散步。 e are working ~. 我们在一起工作。 ~ with, as well as; in addition to; and also: 和; 加之; 连同: These new facts, ~ with the evidence you have already heard, prove the prisoner's innocence. 这些新的事实,连同你已听到的证据,证明在押被吿是无辜的。 2 so as to be in the same place, to be in contact, to be united: 致使在同一地方,有接触,相结合; 在一起: Tie the ends ~. 把末端结起藏 He nailed the boards ~ and made a crate. 他把木板钉起来,做成一个板条箱。 Stand the two boys ~ and see who is taller. 让这两个男孩站在一起比比看谁高。 The leader called his men ~. 首领召集他的部属。 be ~; get sth/it ~, (sl) (cause it to) be, become organised, under control. (俚) (使) 有组织; 在控制之下。 put your/our, etc heads ~, consult with each other (to find a solution to sth, make plans, etc). 你们 (咱们等) 商量一下 (以解决某事,做成计划等) 。 3 at the same time: 同时: All his troubles seemed to come ~. 他的一切麻烦 .似乎同时来临。 4 without interruption; in continuous succession: 不间断地; 连续地: They sat talking for hours ~. 他们坐着聊天一连好几个钟头。 He has been away from school for weeks ~ through illness. 他因病已连续数周未去上学。 ~ness n [U] comradeship; feeling of unity. 同志关系; 友谊; 团




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