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单词 tour
释义 tour /tua(r); tur/ n 1 journey out and home again during which several or many places are visited: 旅行; 漫游; 周游: a round-the-world ~ ,环球旅行; 。 coach ~ of France; 乘坐长途汽车的法国旅行; conducted ~s, made by a group conducted by a guide. 导游旅行(有导游的团体旅行)。 2 brief visit to or through: 短暂访问; 参观; a ~ of the palace/house. 参制皇宫(房会 3 period of duty (at a military or naval station overseas); interval between passage-paid home leaves (cleave1 (1)) in service abroad: (在海外陆海军基地的)任职期间; 海外服务期间: a ~ of three years as a lecturer in the University of Ibadan. 在伊巴丹大学担任讲席的三年海外服务期间。 4 round of (official) visits to institutions, units, etc: 侄机构,单位的)视察: The Director leaves tomorrow on a ~ of overseas branches. 董事长明天离此视察海外分支机构。 5 number of visits to places made by a theatrical company, etc. 剧团等赴各地之一连串访问; 巡也演出。 on ~ ,visiting in this way: 巡遇演出: be/go on ~ ; 作巡回演出; take r company on ~ to perform three of Shakespeare's plays. 率领剧团巡前演出三部莎土比亚戏剧。口 Vt, Vi [VP6A, 2A, C] make a ~ (of): (作…)旅行; 游歴; 巡回; 漫游: ~ Mexico. 漫游墨西哥。 They are ~ing in Spain. 他们正在西班牙游歴。 The play will ~ the provinces in the autumn. 该剧将于秋天在各地巡回演出。 ~ing n, adj-a , ~ ing car, one suitable for ~ing; 游览车; a ' ~ing party. 旅行团。 ~ist /-ist; -ist/ n 1 person making a ~ for pleasure: 旅行者; 游历者; 观光客: London is full of ~ jsts in summer. 伦敦在夏季有很多观光客。 2 (attrib) of or for ~s: (形容用法) 旅行的; 观光的: a ' ~旅 t agency; 旅行社; a '~ur ticket, one issued on special terms, eg at a lower price; 游览票(按特别条件,如低价,所发售者) class, (on liners, airliners) second class. (船、机上的)二等 It (座); 经济绘(座)。 ~ism /'tuanzam; 'turzizam/ n [U] organized ~ing: 游览; 观光; 观光事业: Some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from ~ 打 m, from the money brought in by ~ists. 有些 DAK 观光事业赚取大量外滙。




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