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单词 too
释义 too /tu:; tu/ adv 1 also; as well, in addition (usu in end position but placed immediately after the word it modifies if there is a risk of ambiguity): M;又; 加之 (通常置于句末,若有意义含糊之虞时,则紧放在所修饰之字后) : /, too, have been to Paris, eg I, as well as he, you, etc. 我也去过巴黎 (如谓不只他、你等去过) 。 I've been to Paris, too, eg to Paris as well as to Rome, Milan, etc. 我还去过巴黎 (如谓不只去过罗马、 米兰等) 。 She plays the piano, and sings, too, plays the piano and also sings. 她会弹钢琴,也会唱歌。 Sally, too, Sally, as well as Mary, etc) plays the piano. 莎莉也会弹钢琴 (意谓不只糖莉等会) 。 (Cf the construction in negative sentences: 参较否定结构: I know the answer, too. 我也知道那答案。 Neg: 否凫: I don't know the answer, either. 我 不知道那答案。) 2 moreover; nevertheless: 而; 此外; 而且: There was frost last night, and in May too! 昨晚降霜了,而竟在五月! 3 (adv of degree, modifying adj and adv) in a higher degree than is allowable, required, etc: (表程度的副词,修饰形容词及副词) 过于; 太: e've had too much rain lately. 近来这里的雨下得太多了。 You're driving too fast for safety. 你开车太快了,恐不安全。 These shoes are much too small for me. 这双鞋我穿太小了。 too hot for yvcrk/too hot to work. 夫夫热奴法工作。 It's'too difficult a task for me. 这工作毋我来読是太难了。 That's too small a box/That box is too small to hold all these things. 那盒子太小,装不下所有这些东西。 (Note that too is used to modify a participle that is adjectival, but that with a participle that is purely verbial, too much is preferred in formal style. 注意: too 用以修饰作形容词用的分词,如该分词纯为动词性质,正式文癖中,宜用 too much。 Cf: 参较: He was too tired to go any farther. 他太疲倦不能再往前走了。 I hope you were not too (much) disturbed by all the noise we made. 我希望我们的闹声不致打扰你太厉害。 I'm not too (much) bothered by his criticisms. 我未因他的批评而感到太大的困扰。) 4 (phrases) (片语) carry sth/go too far, farl (2J. all too soon/ quickly, etc, sooner, more quickly, etc than is desired: 太早 (太快等): The holidays ended dll too soon. 假期结束得太早了。 none too soon, etc, not at all too soon, etc: 一点也不早等: We were none too early for the train,> We caught the train with very little time to spare. K 们刚好赶上火车。 one too many, → many (1). have one too many, take more than one can drink and remain sober. 饮酒过量。 be too much for, much,, only too (+ adj), onlyz(2).




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