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单词 tone
释义 tone1 /taun; ton/ n 1 [C] sound, esp with reference to its quality, pitch, duration, feeling, etc: 声音; 音调; 音质; 语调; 语争: the sweet ~(s) of a violin; 小提琴的优美声音; speak in an angry/en-treating 以愤怒(恳求)的语气说话。 The doctor's ~ was serious. 医生的语气很严肃。】 ~-'deaf adj unable to distinguish between differences of pitch. 不能辨别不同音高的; 音痴的。 ~poem n musical composition for an orchestra, illustrating a poetic idea, legend, etc. 音诗(管弦乐队演奏的乐曲,表现一种诗的意境、传说等者)。 2 [C] the pitch aspect of a (usu stressed) syllable; rise, fall, etc of the pitch of the voice in speaking: 音节(通常指重音节)的高低或抑扬; 语调的高低或抑扬:】 n 'Are you ill?' there is usu a rising ~ on ///', in 'He's ill', there is usu a falling ~ on 'ill'. 在 Are you ill? 一句中,ill 一字的音调通常上扬; 在 He's ill 一句中, ill- 字的音调通常下降。 3 (sing only) general spirit, character, morale, of a community, etc: (仅用单数)社会等的风气、特性、风纪等: The ~ of the country is buoyant. 该国的风气活泼。 The next speaker gave a serious/flippant ~ to the discussion. 次一位发言者为这场讨论添加了一些严肃(不正经)的气氛。 There was a ~ of quiet elegance in the room, The furnishings, etc gave this impression. 房间中有一种静谧的高雅气氛。 4 [C] shade (of colour); degree (of light): 色调; 色度; 光度: a carpet in ~s of brown; 有深浅不同褐色之地毯; a picture in warm ~ s> in shades suggesting warmth. 有温暖色调的照片。 5 (music) any one of the five larger intervals between one note and the next which, together with two semi- ~s, make up an octave. (音乐)全音。 6 [U] proper and normal condition of (parts of) the body: 身体(各器官)的健康状态: good muscular ~; 肌肉结实; recover mental ~. 恢复心理健康。 -toned adj having a particular kind of ~⑴:有某种声音,音调,语气等的: silver-d trumpets. 声音清脆的喇叭。 ~less adj lacking colour, spirit, etc; dull: 无风格的; 单调的; 沉闷的: answer in a ~less voice. 以单调的声音回答。 -less-ly adv




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